Two decades of uniqueness and joy so far and many more to come
Her name means Life
Who is like God is the name meaning of her mum
Father Paul ..small and Hansom according to the bible of name meaning
Kind hearted tower of strength
Wife Michelle ,because of her he's beaming
Eve she keeps them breathing
The heart and soul of her folks existence
Such bond
Monday 5th December 2022 6:11 pm
Bright headed warrior
Definition of scouse
Open her heart is
Quick with her mouth
Wild like the forest flower buds and leaves
Psychedelic her garden she nurtured a seed
Tree blessings blossomed one April spring day
She planted a rainbow and named her sade`
Honour your crown sweet crystal queen
Kelly, sade` a magical team
Thursday 1st December 2022 7:17 pm
Tonight's the night have you not heard
Toffee apples have been prepared
Wonderful pumpkin carving creations
Creepy decor and illuminations
Monsters and zombies roam the streets
Pointed hats webbed hands and feet
Awakened corpses arise from their tombs
Black cats and witches fly past on brooms
Sightings of mummy's and trails of blood
Are taking over the ...
Tuesday 1st November 2022 2:09 pm
Supplanted her title assumes her
Enchanted her name rather suits her
Her middle name it straight up describes her
Grey name but rainbows inside her
This lady is magical fierce bright she is fueled by the sun
and then there's her son
Darling boy
Darling big sister and brother
With Crystal's and police attire
Age 7 a hero and mother
Cleansing our streets natural healing
Stunning lady emp...
Sunday 9th October 2022 11:53 pm
Daily battles
Hourly battles
Life is a battle a constant battle
We win some we lose
Give up if we choose
From evergreen
Never to be seen
Over taken by concrete
Trees down..over crowded
We build and we build
yet shortage of houses
The gluttonous folk tongue money and power
Conscience they lack as we drop by the hour
Care not do they for the bills we can't pay
We are to them necessit...
Thursday 6th October 2022 4:18 am
I wonder if you hear me,I wonder what you think
I wonder if you're liking the things I eat and drink
I wonder how you're sleeping is everything okay
I wonder what new limbs you have and how much you've grown today
Are you a boy or a girl? I have a feeling you're a girl
Does your hair grow straight or does it have a curl
What colour will your eyes be
How much will you weig...
Monday 5th September 2022 3:19 am
New moon bringing peace bringing light
New moon bring healing
Devine powers this night
For our brother has been taken away too soon
Bless him new moon
Bless them his family the children blessed niece
Our brother will guide us with heavenly peace
This pain we feel
This heartache its real
To heal we must feel
To become strong
We fall and rise
We learn
We teach we grow until we meet ag...
Sunday 4th September 2022 3:28 am
So I've thought out this letter for so long as the times have changed my words have too everything changes but my mind this windowless prison permanent guard oh shadowed screw
Understand ..This was carefully planned
I did consider all options fooling myself..knowing other options weren't an option
Constantly fighting and am tired I'm locked away double pad locked and it's co...
Monday 22nd August 2022 2:40 am
They let you down sweet child
27 as you predicted
Your heart was broken lady
Neglected fooled addicted
They could never get your soul though
You guarded it so proudly
Displayed it in your words
As you sang your heart out loudly
You created history sweet angel
Unfinished unnurtured child
Your Nurtured soul we cradle
Soul cleansed with tears you cried
Thursday 4th August 2022 5:08 pm
MUSHROOM SUNDAY the return of Yolanda
Sacred day sunday cathedral as always
We walked in a new way
This time inside
I met a Welsh reverend
He bought me a present
Well he payed for a present I chose for my love
Observed art work in there
Preserved well and kept there
Gargoyles and fairies
Oh spirit of love
My twin flame my best mate
Oh righteous our breastplate
Truth round my waist ...
Wednesday 3rd August 2022 3:47 am
Solar storm awakening july
Happened to hit the earth on birthday number seven of this child of mine
July 19th of course one and nine
According to numerology this means accomplished one plus nine is ten
Chapter closed
A new one starts again
Complete you are my special boy
Completely blessed am I
The solar storm it cleansed you
Blasted away any negative impact on you...
Wednesday 20th July 2022 3:32 am
Oh beloved
Flying high
God may have taken you back early to those you left behind
What was yours on earth your precious connections
To each other " we" each other were just stories and experiences solemnly yours although you would share so precisely the beauty you embraced
In each individual
It was like you connected us through your own sentiment whilst playing your songs
...Wednesday 13th July 2022 8:40 pm
Four doors
Four colours
Pale pink
Sky blue
Mint green
All numbered
Wooden style vintage and old
Except for the Gold
This door.. it shines
It is fancy and new
Solid appearance
Modern endurance
Not bought in clearance
A very proud door one might add
Such beauty perfection
Gold lock protection
Pale Pink with cracks lacking symmetry...
Monday 11th July 2022 2:28 am
Always the odd one out
Talk to ghosts that's me
Synchronised numbers i see
Or all the fives
22.22 ...2020 and more
White feathers float to me
The Angel's they guide me
Ancestors walk with me ...besides me
I can see them ..hear them feel them
If you can't.. it mustn't be real then
I look distant to you a daze me
...Saturday 9th July 2022 3:52 pm
Oh chalice you hold the purest
Disguised your milky grey complexion
Hints of sky blue golden sun
Creative nature rippling on reflection
Clear waters run
carrying with it the sun
Collecting soil gathering particles of leaf and tree residue
Slowing the flow of the mineral spring
Giving the porous chalice time to absorb
It never seems to overflow
The temperature...
Monday 4th July 2022 1:56 pm
Happy alone although not physically alone
Just two repellent magnets incompatible forces
Fighting to pull closer but no efforts could make the scientifically impossible...possible
Not in those circumstances at that time
The facts were just the facts
Unsigned unwritten laws bound by unspoken pacts
Small print unread but thankfully unsigned
Well technically
Just not sys...
Tuesday 14th June 2022 12:51 am
Once again at cathedral water
Myself, a red balloon, my friend and her daughter
From nowhere it seemed a pug dog named petal
Drank from the pool natural man made tap nettle
Not far behind was a man with a cap on
He spoke of dead rats near the step we were sat on
He pondered on reasons and spiritual meaning
Birth charts,statistics totem rat readings
old church ullet ...
Monday 13th June 2022 2:13 pm
Dark night black four legged creature
Sparkling stars your eyes such feature
Elegantly ruthless hunter by nature
Sharp claws and teeth
Trusted structure
Ears they point to the sky
Short straight hair
No tangles
Perfectionism to perfection
Grooming essential
Deep and moving thoughts
Undiscovered potential
You chose me
Wednesday 4th May 2022 4:22 am
PLOT 2 (the allotment)
Down at the bottom of the allotment
Just in front of the tall trees
Is a magical little world
Of butterflies flowers and bees
A green house a shed a Japanese arch
Vegetables nurtured and seeds sown in march
Broad beans and beetroot and straw-berries too
Recycled decor some old and some new
Life size scarecrow hand made fish pond
Hand crafted bird bath creative and bey...
Wednesday 4th May 2022 4:14 am
According to the English dictionary
Is described with words
An Adverb leaking doubt with suggestive hints.. conspiracy
When actually
Overlooked it seems that we
Communicate this naturally
Science and mythology
grey clouded
Injected into society
Almost projecting ..not in so many words subliminally
Less such to...
Tuesday 3rd May 2022 2:07 am
Silk wraps baseball caps
Cotton bow ties on wedding hats
Vintage buttons on modern jackets
Handbags designed like crisp packets
Fishnet tights and lycra cling on
Printed t-shirts Jeans with bling on
Rara skirts with vivviene shirts
Tight mini dresses for all you flirts
Over the knee boots
Boots with studs on
Jogging bottoms and tops hoods on
Pattern socks odd socks if you're feeling sil...
Friday 29th April 2022 12:53 pm
Only now that its physical
The wars become visible
Certified verified news
Fighting for oil fighting for gold
Nobody wins we all lose
Controlled legal violence
One minute silence
Soldiers lost legs arms and lives
Exception for fighting
To young ones its frightening
You wonder why they carry knives
Politicians sniff coke
The systems a joke
...Thursday 28th April 2022 3:22 pm
A meadow of hay she is free
Creative and laid back is she
Up and out early
Boisterous but girly
Two years younger than me
Boss at karate
Quiet but chatty
Dimples and freckles so sweet
Cheeky and small
A queen at football
Apparently she's got flat feet
For years wouldn't see her
I'd call her she'd be there
I was scared I was losing my way
...Thursday 28th April 2022 2:23 am
Daily struggles
Hounded by troubles
"But we're all in the same boat"
Not for me thanks
Not with these cranks
I'll make a raft and I'll float
If that were to fail
And my raft couldn't sail
I know you would rescue me dear
I really do trust you
But one thing I must do
Is keep me a life jacket near
(Just incase)
Wednesday 27th April 2022 11:58 pm
Nerves are shattered
Loved ones lost
Scared to hug or go outside
Minds lost
Coughs and sneezes
Catch it
Politicians chat shit
I'd rather clean up cat shit
Rules no news and that's it
Child killers knife crime
Husband kills his wife time
Dont assume the men are fine
Drinking s...
Friday 15th April 2022 1:12 am
Its mid 70s the families of liverpool they struggle
Born babies the products of scandal and trouble
A woman in love at the time with a drinker
mentality destructive disturbed man dark thinker
He cared not a lot for his sons wife or health
Inside relives torture he's suffered himself
The wife didn't know this she cant understand
This was not what the vows read when gave h...
Wednesday 30th March 2022 3:46 pm
Meet Archangel Raziel
He will assist you if you are ready to explore the great laws of magic and alchemy
The spiritual discipline needed to follow them
No shortcuts
Just forward
And upwards
Look forward
Take with you your problems your struggles and woes
As you take off release them
Forget them
Forget what?
Dealt with forgotten
Magic of course
Bless us Archangel
We Welcome your ca...
Wednesday 30th March 2022 4:55 am
Innocent beautiful angelic boy
A carrier by name a cart full of joy
Heaven sent with Grandfathers names
Welcome arrival sweet Carter-James
Bold protector loved much times a million
Third name so blessed of course it is William
Ash meadow named mother his Dad man of Earth
Sent here with sunshine..spring time his birth
Blessed tiny human purity power
From earth planted seed grow f...
Tuesday 29th March 2022 12:08 pm
I had a dream the heavens they spoke
A crash of thunder and lightning awoke
Handed a message on heavenly scroll
Here is your script Gods cast you this role
Your soulmate twin flame is to be reunited
No longer just one now two flames ignited
Youv experienced pain and you both empathise
You'll unlock the treasure as you both lock eyes
You will feel deep love beyond what you k...
Tuesday 22nd March 2022 7:29 pm
You're a Goddess he said
A sexual Goddess
There's something about you that makes me obsess
You own me he said
In that way for sure
The queen of my bed
I can't take no more
This power you hold and your sweet non intention
Like a spell you control
This whole new dimension
Fantasy maybe
Closeness is tension
Yes shy modest maybe
Sex Goddess Lady
Wednesday 23rd February 2022 1:22 am
Lately in your eyes less than perfect
Look in my eyes never perfect
If you are bringing drama best be worth it
I feel alone though.. I don't feel like I deserve it
You're in the room still I feel I've been deserted
I'm far from perfect
For what it's worth.. you should know that I am worth it
Know me better I can work it
Got me thinking for a minute I'm not worth it
...Friday 18th February 2022 3:49 am
It’s Paris I’m cycling a beret on head
Bonjor over cobbles
A basket of bread
Soyez notre invité.. Soyez notre invité
je pense que tu connais la suite
Was French now I’m German
Forgive Me
God Bless Me
Oh look its Berlin
Mein Rhythmus ist Techno, aber nur solange ich hier bin
Washington the Whitehouse Madrid and Millan
Then top of the morning its Dublin
Ooh Guinness
Friday 21st January 2022 3:03 am
To survive... to pay bills
Working every hour God sends to pay debts
Pay taxes pay national insurance
Pay this person that person
Home insurance ..Life insurance..
Pet insurance insurance
To stay on the road
To travel to work
Fuel to fill the tank
To get to work
Pay the lady pay the man
Pay pay pay
All in place so we don't pay attention...
Friday 7th January 2022 10:20 am
Name meaning wisdom Noble fair haired
Is she wise ? Indeed she is
Unlike her last name..for in this life we met dark locks
Hair black like the night her eyes are the brightest stars
Is she pretty ? Immensely stunning
A treat to one's vision
Breathtaking beauty at first glance
Worded communication a blessed embrace
Early may 2018
Instantly aligned ones chakras
Tuesday 4th January 2022 3:51 pm
When one radiates such toxic electricity
Subtle imbalances are apparent to me
Bright but unnatural brightness
Almost comparing sunshine to a sunbed
There is no comparison
Toxic radiation in the form of false U V
Unlike the sunshine vitamin D
Skin so thin and pure
Rose petal
Forced tough and prickling heat
Like a nettle
Invisible daggers spore...
Sunday 2nd January 2022 1:52 pm
For in this life we suffer
Sufferings are inevitable
Not all are unpreventable
Many are preventable
Lesser of the minds so cautious
Risk assessment minds of the wise
The oldest souls
Those who tread in care
With care
360 visionary eyes in the back of one's head
Many eyes like a peacock
Nothing goes unseen
Awake even when sleeping
Clarity expressing...
Saturday 1st January 2022 2:48 pm
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