The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Jack in a box

Jack was a boy who struggled in school 

Getting suspended ...for breaking the rules 

He would wonder the streets and rob out the shops 

Take milk from the doorsteps and lead from roof tops 

His mum was an addict his dad wasn't there 

Troubled young Jack got put in to care 

Stuck in the system.. Jack's just a number

From pillar to post now split from his brother 

He's mixing...

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short storyjailjail system poetry



[D]eep thinkers ..never on-timers

[H]ilarious off the scale..mental one-liners

[D]etermined.. fun..blessed..if you find us 

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ADHDsensory overload

Faceless friend

Quick behind a keyboard a screen to protect him

Without a thought my reply did affect him


Why are you offended by my opinion he asked 

He knew that I knew his words just a mask


Scars from llifetimes of many a broken promise 

Plated served. . in the same breath taken from us 


I feel you invisible brother faceless friend Pattern changes now resolving healing on the m...

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Dearest lovable warrior 

Blessed boy Oscar 

Big and strong with a heart even bigger 

Champagne ripples he shines 

Huge presence his family pine 

Raised from a pup 

He helped raise the children 

Forever so loved 

mother she held him 

Loyal fur angel God taken back 

Forever watch over your chloe and jack

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Oscardog poem

Lessons and blessings (the black-bird)

Small featherless bundle ..broke out of a shell

Parents they love him they nurture him well


Loved Sweetest brother black birds they sing

A gift from the realms now black feathered king 


Beauty overwhelming aura of kindness 

Intelligent protector humbled by shyness 


The black bird protector his presence 

brings calm

He sings when he's with you he's on your lef...

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Dancing Darlings

Dancing sweet hearts wake one day
Summer break sing and play
Dancing darlings summers morn
Monday Mersey mums they mourn
Silent street dressed in flowers
Prayers on prayers crucial the hours
Dancing beauties nature's Purest
Harmonised with angels to heavenly chorus 

Beyond heartache Unforgettable day

Endless love to God we pray





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Angelssadnesstragedysouthport angelshealing


Almost they spell me

I switched my focus towards him in an instant

Literally impossible to walk away.. although

I know there's snakes in the distance


Rats they scurry and take ..calculated

Even rats have a system

He says I love you ...It's reciprocated

Intrusive thoughts making me a victim


When did love start hurting

we combined souls through trust

Lower fre...

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Mark and Sara

Masculine war like from Mars it seems 

Fighting only injustices 

Mark wants all to live their dreams

His named princess shines 

Only the heartfelt suffer 

With struggle comes prayer 

Sam he is part of her

God heard..God knew her heart needed mending

Sam is the answer then Mark to complete 


Fertile daughter She blooms alongside her father 

Now she is a mother


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Aarecoveryearth angel


Chanel  she is water her name says

She looks like her mother the same face 

Element Water 

Identical daughter 


She shines she is fierce with grace 


Sweetest of barbies 

She studies then party's 

Chanel rocks the logo 

Shes scented like coco

The water that leads to the sun 


Intuitive lady 

First female baby 

Intellect crazy 

Blessings chanel twe...

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Green eyes green hair
Gentle rocking air ware
mars theme Space lady
From another planet maybe
Spirit so familiar
Connection quite peculiar

Mutual compatible
Wise, she cares for animals
She speaks up for the animals
They love her back

Celebration stars at night
Little can of red stripe
Beatles juice but full of light
Intentions pure brings no malice
I left her some blessings at ca...

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Marciasoul friend

Nonet poem challenge

Beautiful leaf prints designed like hands   


Natural art, earth given plant


 Starts with a seed Nourished ,loved


Consistently cared for


The plant is you ,us 


Leaf print, hand print 


So unique 


We are



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Dry relapse with no high(through the eyes of another)

I'm not a soldier but I'm at war

Clean and sober year number four 

Battles with temptation 

Past friends and relations 

Conflict miscommunication 

I get tired of waiting I'm tryna be patient 

Testing my patience 

What's expected of me isn't me 

No point trying to change me you see 

That change must only come from me 

People are not what they seem 

Reality looks dif...

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Recoveryaddictionalchaholismdrugabusemental healthmental warmental battle


Little tiny ball of fur and tiny glass like eyes 

Miniature pet my love for you it took me by surprise 

When I took you from your cage you seemed so very scared 

I spoke to you and trusted you...You learned to climb the stairs 

Spiritual teacher Larry a mountain of love held in my hand

Thankyou for the joy you brought 

Be free in Heavenly Hamster land

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loving petshamsterlarryanimals funny pet stories

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