I wrote this poem especially for you
If you are reading this now
This message for you
The Angel's they tell me you are going through changes
And although you and I are technically strangers
I know you have your struggles
And I'd like to take this moment to
melt away your troubles
I say these words from my soul
And my Tibetan singing bowl
The healing frequency sounds it makes..
Travels s...
Friday 20th December 2019 12:00 am
Keep Office Sue onside
Quick learning
Fast talking
No time for nonsense
Swift breeze passes by
As you pass us by
Little talk
Other than 'Hi
No time for bye
Or look me in the eye
This makes you mysterious
This makes me curious
Inquisitive by nature
Brain already on it
Naturally faster than the speed you travel
But body still as still as it was when sleeping
Brain doesnt miss a trick
My brain has collected...
Wednesday 27th November 2019 3:55 am
A padded patch piled on another padded patch
And another
Tunnel vision of Rome through a classless square window
Inability to look down side to side or up
Just straight forward
Like a race horse wearing blinkers
Rome looks pretty
Although I see no famous landmarks or Roman architecture to suggest this is rome
I just know
To describe what i see through this square portal is quite impossibl...
Wednesday 27th November 2019 3:28 am
Mummy's life shall never be Empty
Elsie her name meaning 'God of plenty
Next part her name in Honour of her Nan
God named this baby Elsie Ann
Written in silk diamonds and lace
Elsie means Godly and Ann it means grace
Heart warming daughter blessed be such mothers
Beautiful angel and her lovely big brothers
Little girl so precious and bright
Lives you will change as you spread your light .
Wednesday 20th November 2019 10:35 pm
About the boy
The boy he worries yeknow
He worries about the future he worries about now
about yesterday
the past
He worries that if something good happens
He's scared it wont last
He worries about worying
His life moves so fast
As a person
A spirit
A father hes growing
His light it gets brighter
With this unknowing
I tell him be calm expect the best
I tell him be patient
Lie back and rest
Hes a...
Saturday 2nd November 2019 1:53 am
The words I love you
It is hard to define when used commonly through habit or expressional politeness
Even politeness sincerity
To me it feels different even purer sincerity
A gentle kiss on my soul
To access my soul
You hold a key..with this
You hold the hammer to break the glass
To take the emergency supply
From I
The trickery of the overused three words
One sentence
Deeply unexplore...
Monday 28th October 2019 4:44 pm
Praiseworthy Anthony
It means praiseworthy his name
here to change things
Hes changing the game
Walks round clueless but alive and awake
So awake
So very awake
So awake so he wakes up the cockerel
Alarm clock to a wake up call
I see it all
Stronger by the day wasted
Not now is he wasted
Like was back then
But even then God controlled it
He gave him a story
and Anthony told it
The jealous ones so...
Monday 21st October 2019 4:08 pm
This modern day government are glorified Hitlers
I know little facts about war today
without facts in reason
i know enough
I know in school
they teach us in history of evil Hitler
How he murdered millions
children women men
the gas chambers
the injustice
vile despicable creature
"That will never happen again"
"how times have changed "
or have they ?
yes we are a modern world
computers updated typewriters
things are different now
Monday 23rd September 2019 2:06 pm
Magnificent worthy of Christ son of nye
magnificently wonderful days to come
as stated in days gon by
child of mine child so bright
energetic child from morning to night
9 pounds 5 in weight
48 hour Labour born one day late
Austin my boy he's Austin the great
Unplanned like his beautiful brother
unprepared as their mother
Magnificent to put it lightly this boy can talk
double use ...
Sunday 22nd September 2019 10:31 pm
I hold my crystal
my left hand it lights up
I pass it to you
your whole body lights up
every muscle it touches it relaxes
and heals you
I know you feel it
because my heart it feels you
your body lit up with
a silver outline
the light it turns red at the base
of your spine
eliminates pain and energy
every tiny molecule
every last hair
orange from red
your pelvis sacr...
Friday 20th September 2019 12:46 pm
Finlay Milo
Fair haired boy.. soldier a cart he does pull
for the cart holds his dreams
brightest of light so bright ...never dull
beautifully fair with angel tone skin
The boy he does care
deepest love from within
protect him and love him
nourish his soul
the boy he sees through you
He speaks to your soul
a spontaneous loveable summer time child
clear sounding tones in his voice gentle mild
Saturday 14th September 2019 12:10 am
Truthful faith in the Lord
bright sea
glass button eyes
it's vera vee
long dark hair with auburn strands
just like the Lord
the world is in her hands
raw emotion thats the sea in her name
purity of God thats the vee in her name
child of the future
This world she will mend
gifted with music shining bright sea
whom God did send
Friday 13th September 2019 1:25 pm
I value you
A soul protected
guard you like a delicate rose petal
words do not describe your existence
you give me reason
every decision I make
is with your best interests
you are my life
you are deep my son
you are vulnerable
you may not know it
nor may others not
but it's in your name
My clear cut high carat diamond
unbreakable like a diamond
April Spring Diamond
Thursday 12th September 2019 2:16 pm
War like Tracy
war like shining light exalted one
person of power she is one
never a nemesis too far from home
but always protected
never alone
no unfinished battle
left un Faught
no wasted battles
at war she was taught
war like mother
repetition of name
from the strongest of wombs
comes stronger again
although her title stages a fight
right in the middle a shining light
this says it all to me she...
Thursday 22nd August 2019 9:31 am
God will increase farmer nobleman a Bird
God will increase
meaning life will get better as time goes on
suprises..expect them
work like a farmer
rewards accept them
Nobleman a symbol of you
high regards
with an aura like yours
only good on the cards
you will see
you will fly
youl be free
atleast experience freedom
no dream or wish..unseen unheard
time to fly
you are a bird
Wednesday 21st August 2019 11:49 pm
Laurel tree victorious bright sea(laura)
laurel tree victorious bright sea
the name decoded in thee
my Laura like a tree so grounded
Her roots keep her grounded
her beauty in many forms
talents achievements in every bud and leaf
some Un opened
some not yet born
leaves and blossoms that once were
have fallen in fall
and fall before that and so on
never dead ..for every dropped Autumn leaf
replaced with with more beauty
Wednesday 21st August 2019 2:39 pm
16 months between us
everyrhing was between us
we look so different have you seen us
not a bad bone between us
well our intentions are the best
that's a start
we care..Love in our heart
I say one heart
there's two
thers me and my heart
then there's yours and you
if your heart was to break
less than seconds it would take
for me to rescue you and share my heart with you
and if mine w...
Saturday 17th August 2019 12:00 am
Put the fire out
people say "you are too nice"
such a strange thing to say
I believe you can never be too nice
not to the point were it is a flaw
if you see the good in everything
within your presence
how is that a fault
if you please people for the sake of
pleasing them by being untrue then yes
we have a problem
but being kind
being generous out of truth
only brings love
only brings out the truth
Wednesday 7th August 2019 11:11 pm
Extra Large Sized Men's Padded Hooded Parker
the rain beating down
I am safe
under a large winter coat hood
I am safe
just a tunneled gap to peak through
safer than ever
warm and safe and comforted
this padded men's Parker is a thousand hugs
it makes me invisible
I am far from it
yet I am the closest to feeling invisible
than I have felt before
they can't see my eyes
therefore unaproachable
the unknown
no reassuring fac...
Wednesday 7th August 2019 1:36 am
invisible Army
to be controlled
like really controlled
no exeption the effort
my life you hold
I yes Me
as it stands
to be confined in the palms of your hands
My talents and gifts
do they not matter
as you clench your fists
my soul does shatter
so why did you send me down
I ask
to disguise my beauty
behind this mask
a delicate flower
the Art god mastered
hardened cemented
pebble dashed...
Tuesday 16th July 2019 3:42 am
a life shorter than a day
bleeding she bleeds
warm fluid it pours
until it can pour no more
every molecule of life
a warm pool on the foor
quicker than farewell
enough for a well
if only a well would
make her well
for if it were
one shalt wish for you
for the pool to be dry
the floor to remain
away red stain
and if to wish again
erase now the pain
but tragic..instead
a river of red
helpless nurs...
Wednesday 10th July 2019 4:03 pm
the colours we can't see but I see
deep red deep cut
to make one outstounding
orange so bright
like the fruit
so fertile
protection so fragile
yellow like the sun
emotions level
green as the earth for the heart bright
and green
so green
turquoise blue
confidence like the sky
so blue like the sky
indigo intuition
indigo a colourful thought
violet not t...
Sunday 7th July 2019 7:42 pm
Back to square one
i told my self i am safe
I said I'm safe because I will not let my heart be broken
be taken
too soon spoken
here I am ..once again ..broken
I thought I was tough
I proved otherwise
from me to me
I appologise
I thought I was ahead
and I wouldn't fall in love
walk away I said
rise above
I knew you wern't for me
a future with you I couldn't see
I should not have sta...
Sunday 7th July 2019 7:22 pm
The Band With Five Hands
Little Jimmy Bailey a wavertree lad
Lived with his brothers and a drunken dad
His mother walked out she couldn't cope
Never even left them a bar of soap
So little Jimmy with the dirty face
Wore shoes with holes and only one lace
Quick witted and fast good with his hands
Made a gutar from a box and lazzy bands
Oh he loved a sing song young Jimmy did
He wrote songs in his head since he wa...
Tuesday 2nd July 2019 6:50 am
my mummy
I'm gonna talk about a woman who I can only describe as my world my universe
my brightest light tonic backbone my nurse
even in black she has more colours than a rainbow
brighter than the moonlight the sunshine she makes the rain go
when I'm told that I'm magic and I'm gifted
it's coz of her though keeps me uplifted
iv been so low
but never solo
she is the light that attracts lig...
Wednesday 26th June 2019 8:59 am
I will paint a picture
of my life with a border
a perfect picture of obsessive compulsive disorder
imagine inside a house above a fire is a
framed painting
the painting is of a scene
inside a house with a painting on the wall
above the fire
and smaller again the painting on the painting
on the painting and it just gets smaller until it's a dot
A single dot left on the chalk board
the t...
Tuesday 25th June 2019 2:08 pm
A Fool Like Me
When your heart beats so fast because the man you love is right there
Beauty shines from within fuled by love we share
That warm feeling
of course he feels the same
You know it's in his eyes and through signals from his brain
Knowing your safe no matter what
Knowing whatever happens you mean to him alot
Security of knowing love will see you through
The comfort that he trusts the same and ...
Monday 24th June 2019 9:12 am
tick tok
My heart it beats fast such a rythem that can't be classed
As a heart tick tok tick tok tick tok
MAY my magic be cast on your heart it will last... like a king from the past
My heart in another body ...when every body wore portrait pins instead of body art and tattoo a portrait that you...
Painted so blindly of me ..this you see what I see
In flight with the Eagle you soare you soare
Monday 24th June 2019 1:10 am
Dear Diary
Lonely,but never alone , courtesy, of these voices,
Drowning out , my natural thought process,
affecting, how I make choice's.
Controling my mind, totaly possessed,
Punishing me for what? Disturbing my rest.
In fact I'm so controlled ,that all my life I've been unaware,
Didn't know ,any different, assumed they were suppose to be there.
Intrusive in voluntary thoughts
no filters in my...
Sunday 23rd June 2019 12:39 am
God Blessable Bless
Were are you now my love
My sorrow my pain
For love is pain
Sharper than blades
Explosive bombs distructive grenades
A mix of all emotions
Heat from the sun waves of the oceans
Heart and soul bottled as potions
Nothing but a cork keeping them in
Oh fragile glass bottle oh cork screw of sin
Remain untouched no pressure applied
Unaggravated carefully captured inside
To speak is ...
Saturday 22nd June 2019 11:37 pm
The power of giving
what is life without a fight
without rights
do we live to fight for our rights
when is it right to fight
to write about fighting for rights in this life
this short life
before you know it it's over
it's done
your day has gone
the only rights you got now are your last
last rights
they're flashing before you
visions of all that you seen and who saw you
your brothers your siste...
Wednesday 19th June 2019 12:49 pm
2019 New moon 17th june
It's 2019 17th of June
tonight we shall welcome this strawberry moon
As we worship your brightness and magical
we manifest beauty and our purest of dreams
heal were needs healing and deep cleanse my
As you do I aknowledge my soul you are freeing
keep me strong in my darkest hour
from highest love frequencies fill me with power
miracles you grant me
blessings and light
heal ...
Monday 17th June 2019 7:38 pm
Poem of transformation...
The butterfly in the morning sun flutters with grace until his day is done
He's in and out of the beautiful flowers
To the music of the birds he dances for hours
Blissfully aware of his own handsome features
He's the envy of all the other garden creatures
Making the most of his time in the air
Embracing his life as if not a care
Made up of colour and symmetrical...
Monday 17th June 2019 9:57 am
You light up my day
the way you say stuff and things you say
in my heart always
in my head most days in my prayers through all seasons
tuned in to you for all the right reasons
a voice told me to let go of control
he said stop tryna control
suppressing your soul
let life guide you
show them what's inside you
be free what will be will be
speak from your heart
on behalf of me
speak trut...
Monday 17th June 2019 9:36 am
Heartburn no more
Just like magic right under your nose
You are magic
Just like the fruits of the earth that we take so lightly like it's granted for infinity
The juice that we drink from the carton is magic like the orange it came from
Like the tree cut down for the carton we drink from
That magic tree...
Magic like me
Like you..
Like the lemons and limes
Make acids into alkaline almost to water
Monday 17th June 2019 9:22 am
11 years between us
two mothers between us
one father we share
unbreakable connection
He's my brother and I love everything about him
I wouldn't change him..i wouldn't be without him
He's my big brother and we are similar in so many ways
I see my self when I look at him and some of the things he says
I love him and I don't tell him but he is everything to me
He's a s...
Thursday 4th April 2019 1:00 pm
iv never read a full book
but I can't stop writing
when I write i dont think
iv got dishes piled up in my sink
my bedding needs changing
and my bath needs a clean
I'm 30 odd and live like a teen
my floors not a floor I call it a floor-drobe
I have no idea how to maintain a wardrobe
doors hanging off child needs a new bed
I'd rather write this poem instead
Wednesday 3rd April 2019 11:53 pm
I love the vibe in bingo halls
the excitement when the caller calls
especially when he drops his balls
"bingo "she shouts ..false alarm
everyone loves a false alarm
all apart from loon who said bingo
she wants to die
her sister wants to cry
all eyes on her
I mean all eyes down
then the same woman gets a full house
they call out her number she squeaks like a mous...
Wednesday 3rd April 2019 10:24 pm
spot on my face
see this face
I could never get bored of my reflection
my hazel eyes and milky complection
make up perfect..eyelashes the lot
spoiled by the presence of a spot
Wednesday 3rd April 2019 9:19 pm
noodles are 25p a pack
all the super markets sell own brand mock super noodles really cheap
I stock up on them
they are trolley fillers
they are cupboard fillers
tummy fillers
noodles are an all time winner
lets have Noodles for dinner
Noodles she says
Happy days
Wednesday 3rd April 2019 8:19 pm
blablabla Teresa may
a clever government scam
grabs everyone's attention
just a distraction
all words and no action
sorry that was too polite
the word to describe
I can't bare
to sit and stare
at a tv and listen to the rubbish they say
bla bla bla Teresa may
brexit what the hell is brexit
what's all the fuss
"coz it's affecting us"
yes you are right it...
Tuesday 2nd April 2019 3:38 am
purple city
Red for love Blue for sky's
A tap full of tears a mothers eyes
Dry are the lids from mourning salt
Mothers world has come to a halt
Love for truth honesty and pride
Sky is were he lives mother dying inside
Red for anger blue for healing Anger for injustice and Grief and lies
Healing for the families of those in the sky's
Red is our blood Blue our veins
Vital to living in...
Tuesday 2nd April 2019 12:43 am
wedding guest hats ..the truth
my hat fell off one day
my head stayed on and so did my hair
heads are designed not to fall off
hats are made for heads
hats fall off
some fall off
wedding guest hats are not secure
they flatten hair styles
the wind might decide to be cruel that day
is this a risk you are willing to take?
no one wants to lose a wedding hat
no one wants hat hair
my advice if you...
Monday 1st April 2019 8:28 pm
being a table
No jaws to bite with
not able to swallow
No banquet to feast on
No hair to comb
no nails to paint
no legs for feet
no feet for shoes
no water to wash with
no water to drink
no eyes to see you
no you to see
no lessons to learn from
no emotions to feel
no oxygen to breathe
no lungs to take a breath
no music for listening
no ears to listen with
...Monday 1st April 2019 3:46 pm
world's apart
I feel the pain of your broken heart physically gone but our spirits don't part
although you hurt and and pine for me
close your eyes and there i will be
With the biggest smile on my face
as I'm free and happy in this amazing place looking out at a perfect view
standing in front of me is you
I'm very much alive more than ever
no worldly burdens..light as a feather
I'm helpi...
Monday 1st April 2019 3:16 pm
street life
Monday 1st April 2019 2:47 pm
spiritual writing
words you grant me
Let me breathe let me be calm..take away my dept and set me free
Let me be me
Let me fly And bring others to the air with me
Set us free Let me laugh Bring back my giggles So i can make others laugh too
Bring laughter Grant me health so I can heal I am a healer let me heal
Forgive and allow me to forgive others and encourage peace
We all need peace
I'm aw...
Saturday 30th March 2019 10:20 am
spiritual writing
Sometimes I write verses or poems and I am just writing without thinking
I keep writing until I stop without thought
I look back at what I have written and see words I didn't know or would never have used if I'd planned out the poem
I know this is because the spirit world and other realms have chosen me to write down their thoughts and feelings and express their talents through my phys...
Friday 29th March 2019 11:46 pm
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