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Life (Remove filter)


Young mum with a stroller 

A double rum and cola 

Take away that edginess 

Nervous twitching 


I know her

There's the hooded lady

Smoking looking hazy 

Magic yeah she's crazy 


wise woman

Don't go there 

Off she goes now spending 

Glamour life pretending 

Don't decline still pending 

This hoarding never ending


The build up to the ...

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Happy alone although not physically alone 

Just two repellent magnets incompatible forces

Fighting to pull closer but no efforts could make the scientifically impossible...possible 

Not in those circumstances at that time 

The facts were just the facts

Unsigned unwritten laws bound by unspoken pacts 

Small print unread but thankfully unsigned 

Well technically 

Just not sys...

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Monumentaltransformative poemcodedlovepoetryheartsoul matemeaningpoetrytoxicrelationshipsLifeRealpaintransform


Gliding through the life force element

Water you carry me

the tears of joy when the day comes I hear you say "marry me"


Water in dreams represents emotion 

For each tear shed each year contributes to the ocean 


The seas and rivers ponds and lakes falls and streams 

Are all of emotional significance if appearing in dreams

Recognise these symbols take Lessons see signs...

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Heartburn no more

Just like magic right under your nose
You are magic
Just like the fruits of the earth that we take so lightly like it's granted for infinity
The juice that we drink from the carton is magic like the orange it came from
Like the tree cut down for the carton we drink from
That magic tree...
Magic like me
Like you..
Like the lemons and limes
Make acids into alkaline almost to water

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