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Liverpool poetry (Remove filter)


Born in a city in the north west of the map
A city with the friendliest football devide
A place of magic on Merseyside

I was raised here
Praised here
Put down here
Gave birth here
Forever loved here
Forever inlove with here

Home of the Beatles
Cathedrals with steaples
The finest of peoples

Culture and art were ever you look
A helping hand if ever you're stuck

Our city of the ...

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Liverpool poetryscouse poemMerseyside poetsLiverpool Poets

purple city

Red for love Blue for sky's

A tap full of tears a mothers eyes

Dry are the lids from mourning salt

Mothers world has come to a halt

Love for truth honesty and pride

Sky is were he lives mother dying inside

Red for anger blue for healing Anger for injustice and Grief and lies

Healing for the families of those in the sky's

Red is our blood Blue our veins

Vital to living in...

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HillsboroughjusticeLiverpool PoetsLiverpool poetry

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