lyrics (Remove filter)
They let you down sweet child
27 as you predicted
Your heart was broken lady
Neglected fooled addicted
They could never get your soul though
You guarded it so proudly
Displayed it in your words
As you sang your heart out loudly
You created history sweet angel
Unfinished unnurtured child
Your Nurtured soul we cradle
Soul cleansed with tears you cried
Thursday 4th August 2022 5:08 pm
tick tok
My heart it beats fast such a rythem that can't be classed
As a heart tick tok tick tok tick tok
MAY my magic be cast on your heart it will last... like a king from the past
My heart in another body ...when every body wore portrait pins instead of body art and tattoo a portrait that you...
Painted so blindly of me ..this you see what I see
In flight with the Eagle you soare you soare
Monday 24th June 2019 1:10 am
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