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They let you down sweet child 

27 as you predicted 

Your heart was broken lady 

Neglected fooled addicted 

They could never get your soul though 

You guarded it so proudly 

Displayed it in your words 

As you sang your heart out loudly 

You created history sweet angel 

Unfinished unnurtured child 

Your Nurtured soul we cradle 

Soul cleansed with tears you cried 


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Amy Winehouse poemmusiclyrics


Anthem meaning an uplifting song identifying with a particular body or group or cause
Iv Googled the meaning of Anthem do i deserve a round of applause

To identify with me
A song must simply be

indeed with life experienced flaws
Performed by magical beings of course

Must contain variety
Mass Expression of empathy
Soft and delicate symphony
Guided through eternity
With a dash of his...

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Anthemmusicsongmusic poetry

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