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The stars I hold as electric beams run through me

Vibrating I'm moving a zillion miles an hour the moons just let on like he knew me
Blow back the kisses the sun has just blew me
from the planets so truly
Recharge put celestial through me
I share out what you have given to me
Times ten it returns right back to me

To enable one to keep must give it away

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Strong as a bear 

You guide me 

Never write alone as I write 

There's a presence besides me 

Helping me to be the best to express emotions deep inside me

I didn't believe in myself the way I do now 

I didn't know you then as well as I do now 

Your girls they miss you 

I let them know you are around 

The signs you leave me 

The king you are crowned

Me I am the lucky...

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