The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 38 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

"It happened over the rainbow"



In a place called Kansas one day

A whirlwind struck taking Dorothy away

Zooming round and round

Till in Oz she was found


The trip began as she found her way

Along the yellowbrick road she must stay

Further along she met some new friends

A lion, a tinman and a scarcrow all three


She wasn't afraid now to journey on

They all were heading in the same dire...

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Reality of the Heart

Living in your ice-blue eyes

Looking behind the disguise

What do I see but love oozing to me

Where are you now, lost and alone


Confused of who you really are

Knowing you're brighter than a star

Why don't you show that love

Be set free soar on the wings of a dove


Trapped in an illusion unreal

Is how you must feel

Come out of the shell of uncertainty

Grasp ...

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Hurt World

So much pain with violence

In a world full of anger and hate

We need a peaceful solution

To wipe all tears  away

Lifes lost with bloodshed and fighting

Innocent lives lost every age

Children to pensioners

Puff , gone into eternity

Bring peace to our world again

We need to unite and stand firm

Let love and freedom reign

No more killings and bombings

Appreciate ou...

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