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untitled #9

In this twisted life of ours

we stumble and we fall

Can't see where we're going

yet we still seem to crawl

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untitled #8

And I don't want to be anywhere near here,

when it all comes crashing down on me

And I don't want to be anywhere but here,

when it all comes crashing down on you

And I'm going to run, I'm going to get so far away

when it all comes crashing down on me

But I will still be here to see it through

when it all comes crashing down on you

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untitled #7

Breaking point

I'm on the verge of death

Can't control myself

Can't see through it all


All that is in front of me

is driving me insane

Can't control myself

Can't see through it all


Nothing helps

Nothing hurts


All I see is my own pain

Everything has blackened my soul

All the things have darkened my mind

Falling though this false realm


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untitled #6

Judgment day, it is coming....for you 

It's in the shadows waiting....for you

Out of the darkness it will rise

Searching it all for your demise

You cannot help it

You cannot stop it


Paranoia creeps up on you

Better. Watch. Out.

Darkness creeps up on you

Better. Watch. Out


It will call on you 

Beckoning you to fall 

Out of the night you will stumble


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Is god dead?

or is he there

Behind a shroud of darkness

Does a veil cover our eyes 

to deceive us from the truth

All the suffering and pain

can we hear it if we try

Or are we just subliminally deaf

Can we see what is real

Or are we just subconsciously blind

Is it really there

behind our tears

Or is it hidden

To keep us safe from the truth

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untitled #5

Fate is a marble waiting to be dropped, to shatter all over the pavement of the world , letting everyone's destinies run rampant throughout the streets, roads, and alleyways of madness.

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untitled #4

Division of mind is strangulation 

Division of mind is suffocation

The altar of truth is for the living

The altar of truth is unforgiving

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What do you see?

What do you see, when eyes are closed


What do you feel?

What do you feel, when she's below


Who do you want?

Who do you want her to be...

... a star?


What do you see?

What do you see, when eyes flick open.

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untitled #3

Death awaits me

Death becomes me

He waits for me to awake

He grasps at my air

He drains my light

He waits for me to give in

To give in to his touch

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A Simple Thought

The only intriguing thing about sanity,

is that it brings intrigue to the insane.

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The one you never knew

but I knew you.

Wash your hands of me

As I've done with you.

But I'm not done

with war. 

A dark cave is a lonely place

for one in love with everything.

And these fires I keep building 

inside, aren't keeping me warm.

And these dreams are leaving

me hungry.


Wash clean my memory

until you only have a face.

Save the fingerprints


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Thoughts of Confusion

Voices within my mind

bewaiting untold pain

Acts so very unkind

Tearing at my brain

Red tears fill my eyes

and stream down my face

For god still denies

any amount of grace


I am losing control

violently do I shake

Digging my final hole

from this nightmare will I wake?


God is dead

or is he asleep

This life I shed

As I weep


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untitled #2

I see the concrete, I ponder about it.

It has not anxieties, neither fears. 

All it is concerned about is being here.

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untitled #1

Get the gun

the deed is done

the blood, it's red

now I'm dead

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Tower by the Lake

The tower by the lake

Where death and decay is born 

The air, foul 

The water, putrid

A day never seen before

I wander into this tower

To see what lies within

I see everything I don’t want to be seen

It’s telling me my true identity

The identity I suppressed so long ago

I fight with it, against it

I fight with myself

And I start falling

Falling through realit...

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