Jimmy Rockford
Jimmy, Jimmy
you are the one.
You make being
a detective
look like
so much fun.
Angel may involve
you in an escapade.
You'll get him
out of the mess,
but you'll never
get paid.
We know being
a real detective
can be
quite boring.
But when we
watch "Rockford"
Tuesday 23rd April 2013 3:58 pm
Deep Down Inside
Deep down
I have
no pride.
Deep down
I've taken
the slide.
Deep down
my soul
the demons
have fried.
Deep down
Shirley Smothers
I wrote this poem a few years ago. I wrote it to be bad on purpose.
Someone rec...
Wednesday 16th January 2013 9:18 pm
The Creepy Old House
In a creepy old house I found a creepy old doll.
I bent to pick it up and boy did I have a fall. I stood up had a lump
on my head, but otherwise aright looked out the window, day had
turned to night. I looked and looked but did not find the doll.
I turned to leave and there it was hanging by its neck
against the wall. Its creepy smile seemed to say,
"Come and play with me my friend. We can p...
Wednesday 17th October 2012 4:47 pm
In her despair
she cowers and
covers her face.
No longer can she
battle the demons
that invade her
mind and space.
The drugs she takes
to self medicate.
The many men she
sleeps with, the
loathing and self hate.
Will she take her
life by her own
hand? Or will she
...Wednesday 19th September 2012 4:49 pm
Kids With Drugs
Kids with drugs
being ripped apart
by blades of a knife.
Their lives end.
Do we even try
to make it stop?
Just getting by
each day,
have we lost sight?
Wednesday 4th April 2012 5:06 pm
A Silly Goblin Poem
The Goblins of
the night,
they give me
such a fright.
They leave about
this green slime.
I awaken, oh
it was just
a dream.
No need for
a scream.
I look at
the clock for
the time, but
it is covered
in green slime!
Monday 10th October 2011 4:58 pm
A silly poem about hair.
The following is a
very silly poem
There was a girl named Shirley
whose hair was short and curly.
She never wanted to go anywhere
she hated her short curly hair.
Her mom would say, "Let's
go to the park."
Shirley would say
"Not until after dark."
There came a man
with a silly son...
Sunday 18th September 2011 4:35 pm
Gray Earth
Gray Earth and gray sky
Eternity in limbo
Lost souls in peril
My husband Scott once again recorded the audio version for me.
Saturday 10th September 2011 4:28 pm
The Air is Still
The air is still, quite
The freezing touch of his hand
Death is by my side
This audio was provided by my husband Scott
Sunday 21st August 2011 12:03 am
Anger consumes me
Eats my soul like a cancer
Self inflicted hell
P.S. The audio recording was recorded by my daughter Samantha.
Saturday 13th August 2011 5:48 pm
Christ Love
The following poem is Christian. I am a Christian,
but I try to be flexible.
Heart beats young heart beats old, with
a love of Christ your heart beats bold.
Be ye rich, be ye
poor, with a love
of Christ you'll
have so much
more. The rain
falls on just
and unjust.
But remember
Christ rain
the dust.
Saturday 6th August 2011 4:19 pm
Wild Wolf
I heard a wolf
howl at the moon,
I believe it was
sometime in June.
It sounded lonely
it soudnded sad
was I scared?
No I was mad!
The wolf is being
hunted, exterminated.
Why is the wolf
so very hated?
Tuesday 5th July 2011 9:25 pm
The Tall Green Grass
The wild colt enjoyed
galloping through
the tall green grass.
One day he was captured
and made a beast of
burden. He worked in the
field and pulled the wagon,
but he longed for
the tall green grass.
He grew old and weak,
one day he lay down
and closed his eyes.
When he opened...
Tuesday 28th June 2011 6:03 pm
My Mother's Gentle Hands
My Mother used to comb my long hair.
When she hit a tangle I would cry
out in pain.
She would place her gentle hands
upon my head and whisper, "I'm sorry
darling but you must endure the
pain so that your hair will be shiny
and beautiful."
When my life hits a tangle I long fo...
Tuesday 21st June 2011 6:09 pm
The Price of Freedom
A ghostly image of a soldier
stood in the background,
as a mother with a babe in her
arms stood by a grave site.
She lowly whispered, "Father
this is your son. Son this is your
father. He gave his life so that
others might live."
Sunday 12th June 2011 5:38 pm
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