The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

Rain Please Go Away

Rain Rain Please Go Away,

Almost No Agri-land here anyway!

And planned water resources everywhere!!

Wish for 1 hour of weather like Dubai!

Or if not, parle-G biscuits with cup of hot (tea)Chai!!

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RainTeaTea for lifeWish for summer




Have a goodnight,

Everything would be alright,

No matter the life situation, be little or a might,

Future would be like a shining star - very bright,

Like the dark black space, illuminated by a tiny powerful light (white),

When the mind is heavy, have a deep breathe N Smile to make mind a bit light,

Among the Mind's Right or Wrongs Fight,

With ...

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anxious nightblissgoodnightNight sleep terrors fear

Why (?)

Why this endless thinking to talk to you,

Why this constant feeling to express myself in front of you ,

Why this list of actions in the mind to impress you ,

Why this emotional touch wanting me to be always connected with you,

Heart says, hey it’s okay these courtship deeds are normal ,

Mind says , don’t disturb much and annoy her such, it is indeed abnormal ,

Heart also says con...

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engagement courtshiprandom thoughts

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