The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

I need a poets opinion:

(I can't decide which one I like more because I'm indecisive and incapable of art so let me know and I'd love some tips)


The most vanquishing despondency

Is to never be served coldly

But having no caring respondency 

And being forever so lonely




The most vanquishing despondency 

Is to have no caring respondency

However never treated coldly

And still for...

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Once more

Through the pain of life

And the prick of a knife

I learnt how to live

Surrendered faith to give 

I saw your devotion

Sensed life's promotion 

Catastrophic promise

And disquieting dismiss

I fell into a stratagem

Darkness like tantalum

Covered in loneliness 

But now harmonious

Now I'm ok

Goodbye decay

I've learnt to live again

Forgotten to deign 

I'm ...

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Forgive me

What did I do?

I'm sorry I hurt you.

I've never been this sorry

Like a sky so starry

You're the light to my night 

You're the courage to my fright

And I've cast you away

Thrown you to the fray

And I'll do whatever

Whatever you want forever

Anything to get you back

Because my life's gone slack

And I need you

Your every blue

I need your smile

To cover my ...

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Poetryforgivenessforgive and forget

Bow chicka wow wow


I want to take all your pain

But I don't want to taste it again

You deserve everything

Everything the world can bring

And if I could give you the world

I'd leave it at your feet unfurled

You're my addiction guy

Leaving me all over high

Until I can't breathe

So don't ever leave

Because I'm sure I'd die

If I ever caught you in a lie

I'm emotionally bound


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Sins which we are


What am I?

A fruitful comrade?

A terrible lie?

And if so, how bad?

I lie awake at night,

Lost in thought,

Troubled by fright,

My stomach in a knot,


If we are all unjustified

Destined to hell

Blossomed in pride,

With our breasts full of swell,

Swelling with sin

Sin which we nurture 

Sin which we bath in

Sin which is our future

Sin whi...

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All I have


You're all I have

And all I need

Don't make me behave

Just make me bleed

Bleed with a wound

Conjured from a scream

Made perfectly tuned

And carved from a dream

Wholly burn me through

With this undying love

Beat me black and blue

Release my white dove

Spread my wings

Let my screams soar

Think of all the little things

And steal me back to the floor

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Please don't leave

I'll let you break my heart

Even let you tear me apart

And I'll laugh that whole time

Because I enjoy your every crime

I'll kiss my murderer

I'll miss my slaughterer

I'll want the person that killed me

And with all my heart I'll love thee


Even when I'm pierced by the knife

I'm filled with the purest of life

Brighter than black and white

A violently emotional f...

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