The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Spinning around

Everything feels spinning around
The table The clock The bed all seems to revolve round.

Last thing I remmber was drowning two pints of beer
With me and my pal it was all about cheers
Suddenly now am laying in my bed
And the sun at top of my head

With a heavy heave I pulled myself
Holding on for my life as if it was in hell
Somehow i managed to glup down a pill
Before my head again st...

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My life seems all about living in shadows broken words wounded heart thoughts that have turned hollow At every age the shadows returns From care to fear they keep turns

They are sometimes my friend sometimes my foe sometimes they are just living next door

Though these shadows do come handy at times When we need them they do just fine At times they are a heavy burden At time...

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Every Night

Every night I have this dream me and you walking down the stream 

hand in hand down the narrow path your words resonates in my heart 

we talk about here and now ,past ,present and future somehow 

suddenly you stare at me asking why me

 neither I am rich neither I am poor but somewhere in between dear

neither my looks are worth a dime

 so why do you give me so much time ?


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