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Glass Shards

The glass was half full since the beginning of its time.
Yet you lured me to be more just for a while.
Scarlet scars you drew in my grey clouds 
And I struggled and struggled to break the rusted chains
To be free.

The glass was shattered
Into a million shards
And, yet, a broken masterpiece was born.

My heart shed tears of blood
Has become as brittle as that glass
Yet stronger ...

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You knew the stars would smile
The Sun will shine, in your bones:
Ever since the day you were born. 
Trapped in your own desires,
you lived in a nightmare of being the best
of what there is.
So you put the strongest armour on 
for the fight against everyone, yet no one.
They said "This too shall pass"
"But what if not?" You said.
Now comes the time when the sun shines bright.
But why do...

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