The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 39 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

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See Sea

See Sea

A donkey ride and ice cream kicks
A stick of rock and lick your lips
Now I'll scoff a bag of chips
As high time tide begins to rip
Life's moans and troubles may undo
From a clifftop lighthouse view

It rains quite often when I'm there
But I see sea so I don't care
I bedeck myself in a chair
And swallow gulps of salty air
And candy floss is tempting fare
For a lonely seagulls...

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Sleeplessness Blues

Sleeplessness Blues
Another day over,  I've done all my doin'
No problems or worries for my brain to be chewin'
Then bed starts to beckon, I'm sleepy, I'm yawning
I'll give it big Zzzzeds, but then without warning
I just can't shut down, the gears start to grind
Theres bings and googles, bingoogling my mind
Thoughts start to muster and add to the clutter
Hear every hea...

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sleepless nightbedtimeswitchthoughts that keep you awake

Our School Was Haunted

Our SchoolWas Haunted


Our school was haunted on this Halloween

All you could hear was moaning and screams

The chairs started groaning,

The floor was all sticky

The slime on the windows was squashy and squishy

The bats and the cats were cooking with witches

And casting a spell of chickenpox itches

The eyelash of spider and toenails of newt

Frogspawn and ...

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Murder, Death, Bones and Blood

Murder, Death, Bones and Blood
Murder, death, bones and blood
Rotting corpses walking
Vampires, witches, ghouls and ghosts
tormented Spirits talking
Operations and autopsies
Severed heads and limbs
darker twisted horror stories
To rival Stephen King
Cuts and stitches, pain and screams
Dead bodies and mortuaries so cooool!
This is what ...

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What do you eat?


What do you eat?
I eat carrots, I Eat turnips, cauliflower, lettuce leaves
I eat sweetcorn, I eat parsnips, I eat sprouts and I eat peas
I eat mange tout, three, four, five, six and seven
Throw in four tomatoes and that makes eleven
I eat apples and bananas, grapes and pears
Seeds in seedless tangerines make me bloody swear
I eat gooseberries and ra...

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Veggie food eat

I'm a right softy me


I'm a right softy me,
I long to write something cutting
Something head butting
But it comes out like puppies, teddy bears or bubbles
If only I had some attitude
I could say something really rude
Oops sorry, Just slipped out
I don't swear much, me
Well, I do in my head,
In my head, I've got clout.....
I don't eff ...

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Cutting edgy swearing

The Seagulls are watching




The Seagulls are watching

They know what you eat

They’ll mug you for something

To shove down their beak


They like a nice pastie

They’ll steal from your lips

They’ll dive bomb and swoop

And nick all your chips


Relaxing in sunshine 

A holiday dream

Then they’ll feather and flap you

And splat your ice...

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Peregrine FalconsSt Ivesseagullsice creamchips





Two trees standing in the woods

Reading last night’s paper,

An advertisement said auditions welcome,

For a part at the local theatre


The play was a chilling drama

Set in a cottage in the woods,

There must be parts for us they thought,

Young actors just in bud


But there were many others there

For the role of talking trees


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trees soap stars



Two Seagulls Flying 


Two seagulls flying, flew down to the beach

They ate fish and chips from the chippy

Then after that, they tried some ice cream

A choc-ice and some Mr Whippy

They flew down again the very next day

This time they ate Pizza and Pastie

They were too stuffed to fly so they both hitched a ride 

On the roof of a slow passing taxi


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Little Ben






Little Bens alarm rang six o'clock

Time, so he thought, for the man to get up

He put on his clothes and cleaned his teeth

Washed his face and brewed his tea

Sat down for a minute and rubbed his eyes

The clock downstairs was reading five

Cursing and grumbling, was overheard

As he creaked his way, back upstairs

He grabbed little Ben, the air ...

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