The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Trapped soul

I sold my soul now i'm paying the price

He feeds off my anger and sadness

he wont let me out i feel trapped

i'm stuck in this deep dark deprivation 

It started off fine because i was blind

Now i see it for what it really is

i'm outside looking in at it

his eyes are dark and souless

nothing in their but evil

I feel like a possession and object a thing. 

Not a human bei...

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Domestic violence

Here we go again with this abuse

you slap me down you say i'm yours to use

you also result to hitting me

taking advantage of my generosity

then you pretend you done nothing at all

When it's time to explain the bruises i'l say "I had a fall"

what do you want me to do ?

Pretend to care about you...

Guess what i don't love you anymore

you're rotten to the core

you dont m...

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Deed done

The deed is done and guilt and fear come with it,​​​

what am i hoping the effect will be?

I'm not sure to be completely honest..

it's a slight tad of happiness i get from it 

but now  i'm bitter and sad 

Always something makes me immediately regret my actions

perhaps their is something i can prescribe myself to stop

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Spiteful out of envy

I am going to do something completely out of spite

i know it's bad it makes me sad it's definetley not right

It's something inside me that takes over when i'm jealous

this certian urge causes me to become rebellious

I will regret this in the future and i will be sorry

as for now i'l do it proud and not have to worry

I apologise in advanced for this 

You'll find out some day 


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My confidence was taken from me 

i had a lot and most people could see 

i was loud proud and very happy

But everything changed and it stopped

moved house and school at the age nine

i refused to talk to anyone i had developed anxiety

Have been the same ever since

my parents didn't support me enough 

i didn't get the attention that i required 

because they were busy with m...

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Mainstream media

Music used to be great and had a lot of lyrics and articulation

now it's just beats and noise  a form of indoctrination

their was more than just a few words repeatedly constantly

a  way of expressing yourself not monstrosity

Television show's used to be realistic and informitive

now they are all fake not very positive

reaility television is garbage tv

encourages people to lose...

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Technology can be a virus to society

Remember when thing's used to be good,

musical sounds, movies the taste of our food

remember when we had such fun playing outside 

fishing running dancing going for a bike ride

A time before machines had us all hooked

when you'd go out for a meal and talk to each other and looked

When your parents would spend time with you

not online pretending to 

When you would burn off ...

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Shopping Addiction

Shopping for thing's you dont need

spending all your money just to feed

your addiction

You just got paid and that same day it's gone

the cooperations fool you they're one big con

Special offers things on sale 

is their away to escape this jail?

They items you buy make you happy for a while

the obession and thrill of buying makes you smile

whether it's tops, bags, or shoe...

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Zodiac - cancer

i'm overly sensitive and also rather shy

i keep my thoughts to myself and hide when i cry

I notice that i'm an emotional wreck 

I moan a lot and i'm a pain in the neck

i wouldn't put up with anyone like me 

yet some how you do what is it you see?

Is it my certain skills like being able to cook?

Or is it because i enjoy other thing's like reading a book 

is it because i'm un...

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Social media

Login and share your life upload pics of your husband or wife Share your kids with an unknown stranger putting yourself and them in danger. update your status and press post Show them off and boast. You need those likes otherwise what's the point? Sit back and roll a joint. it's sad that you feel the need to compete with your own friends who'm you deceit. A generation full of narcisists who know n...

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Wandering mind broken down

perhaps one day i'l stop with this nonsense
but can you really escape your own fucking conscience?
Think future present past nothing will change unless you make it
when you see your chance you better take it
I should be wathcing the movie i paid to see
not worrying about my family
But unfortunately that's to much leisure
I deny myself that lovely pleasure

Who know's what you just might f...

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Wandering mind

I should be focussing on the task at hand

yet i don't because theirs more interesting thing's in my head

i should be watching the movie that i paid to see

but i don't because theirs stuff to worry about

I should enjoy the train ride home listening to music on my phone

but unfortunately that's to much leisure 

i must go back to thinking some more 

Lying awake in bed at night 


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You're always very needy 

wanting and attention you're so greedy

I think i give you a lot 

clearly to you i do not

I'd like some peace and quiet

but when you come near you riot

Looking at me with those sad little eyes

Making me feel sorry and recognize

you put on a disguise


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Buying each other pointless things

chocolates flowers diamond rings

In the hope to share our love

But still it feels it's not enough

We could just forget it 

and we wouldn't regret it 

But those feelings i have make me want to share

love you show you how much i care

It's strange how without you i feel so alone

makes me weep cry and moan

I'm to emotional and sensitive


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cuteheartlovelovelysweetvalentinevalentines day

Weakness and sorrow

I am always second guessing myself

hiding my shame and health

Never knowing what to do 

If i could only open up to you

It's scary the thing's i think 

always contemplating drink

the level of stress is unbearable

It makes me depressed and feel terrible

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Despise of sadness

This sickly feeling i have inside

because i myself lack basic pride

I am upset when i go out

in fear that others may speak or shout

Yet this one lie had gotten to me

It's made my life a misery

I hide myself from everyone 

I deprive myself that natural fun

If you look at me you'll see nothing

But in privacy i do everything

i fill my body with foods and cry

secretly ...

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They have loads of clothes that mek happy

mostly good yet some are crappy

They gave al my favourite thing's

even harry potter rings

They always get in lots of stock

even  beauty and the beast clock

Everytime i go in i buy

Then check my bank and sigh

I got into every store 

in the hope to find more

with all my clothes you'd think  i'm rich

They even added disney sti...

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It was literally th eworst 

and my sister says her life is cursed..

The first day we lived their was crap

it certainly felt like a trap

The tennants where junkies and thugs

who tried to sell us their drugs

it started with brian scott 

who clearly lied alot

he showed up late 

he said it was great

and i was left in a state

The plumbing was terribly bad

The place i...

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Charlie & Marley

They sit in the toilet and squak

my mother still thinks that they'll talk

They love each other 

their sister and brother

and have beaks as sharp as a hawk

They are green and yellow and blue

they watch you in the loo

but if you take a bath 

they'll have a laugh 

cause they'll cover you up in their poo

it's been 3 years since they were born

They feed on mostly sweet ...

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Tanya & Tiny

Tiny is noise and loud

but cowers when in a crowd

tanay is quiet and loyal

hygenic and clean like a royal

both are crazy and fun 

they love to go for a run

tanya likes to explore

tiny lets out a roar

she will always find her 

she's always right behind her

and then they both lie on the floor

Tiny will chase all the balls

and bark when the buzzer calls

she will...

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Cute and fluffy sweet little face

runs away when you start to chase

love to nibble on his kibble

runs around so much fun 

wants you to give him ferret one

eats his eggs of a dish

enjoys a piece of fish

have to get up what's my rush?

Alexander's knocked over the toilet brush

comes in the kitchen when you cook

play with him and he'll dook dook dook

after playing for ...

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The sims

Create one two three or ten

create both woman or men

let them live sad or happy

Create a wonderful family

Let them live free or without Free will

remind them to pay the bill

Make them happy make them sad

remove their toilet drive them mad

Kill them off let them drown

send in the psycho clown

give them motive find them a job

dont depress them or they'l become a slo...

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The simspcgaming

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