The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Aegean Overspill .....2015

Aegean  Overspill........

Written in September 2015 when the mass exodus of refugees from war zones began.

Seems apt to re-visit looking at current events on the shores of the English Channel.


Crescent starred Gendarmerie manhunt, confront

overblown cover blown shyster sharks

frenzy-feed in back alley Bodrum,

fleecing Damascus dads of ventured shekels,

a one-way lilo lott...

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A Life in a Kiss.

 Life in a Kiss.


Sugar-sweet kisses on a bald baby’s crown,

all-comers love you raising dull frowns,

cheek peck kiss... hello my mum,

spit out that dodo, cuddles from gran,

a lift to school in dad’s meat van.

Ta-ra son... his coat smells of lamb,

won’t be a butcher, an also ran.

Bike shed babes’ promises

two-timed in two- tone

a huge let down.

Lend an ear to M...

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lovedeathkisslife's reflection

Ode to Covid Carers.

Ode to Covid Carers.


To intensive care and virus wards each day

In every town they make their way.

Caring souls, disguised in blue and white,

To fight against the Covid blight.

Shift after shift, through night and light

Brothers and sisters of mercy face up to our plight.

Masked, shielded, smocked and booted

lonely, fearful, solely commuted

on the near empty bus and...

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