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The Sixtieth Floor


I’m in the elevator

Going higher and higher.

I’m taking the lift to the sixtieth floor

Though I can’t really see myself opening the door.



I often think about reaching that floor

I won’t be the first;

People have been there before.

I guess it’s all normal for a man of my age

It’s like reading a book and turning the page.



I’m taking the li...

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old ageage

The Ballad of a Middle Aged Man

I woke up one day and was old

(Although I prefer to say middle aged.)

I was young and fit

The last time I looked

(Or As far as I could possibly gauge.)


It’s a situation that makes me unhappy

(And quite frankly that’s putting it mildly)

There’s nothing I can do

To regain my youth

(Despite jumping up and down wildly)


I still drive a sporty convertible

(I do...

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My Back

My back is sending me a message

it says I'm getting old

That's why I don’t like the winter

My back doesn’t like the cold.


It’s not as if I’m in agony

And the pain is under control.

But my back could do with a massage;

Not reminders that I’m getting old.


I need to send back a message

I need to be rather bold

There’s no bloody need to remind me

-I know I’m ...

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agePainold age

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