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Death Comes Without Warning

Death comes without warning; it steals your life away.

It takes away your loved ones, and the lights of your day.


Death comes silently; it stabs you in the back,

It reaches round behind you, then comes in for the attack


Death comes slowly; it reaches for your throat

It overwhelms you; it chokes you, before you’ve had time to put on your coat.


Death comes quickly, i...

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I Am Your Friend

I am death and I am your friend

I will be at your side when you meet your end

I’ll be there to lead you down the sacred path

You’ve always known

You must have been told

For everyone meets me in the end.


I’m not to be laughed at

And neither should you fear me

But either way you and I shall meet

Better to meet me with a smile, however worn

After all our meeting was...

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Memento Mori

Your heart still beats

And the blood still pumps around

You can think and move

You can articulate your thoughts

But remember

You must die


You’ve not travelled much

And the world has hardly felt your touch

You’ve done nothing worthwhile to speak of

Time is running out

But remember

You must die


Then again, you’ve tasted the breath of freedom

And seen ...

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Words instead of Bombs

Blow me up

Blast me against the wall

Burst me with bombs and guns into a thousand pieces

Shoot me down dead

With bullets to the head

And while my blood runs into the sand

Just think for a moment

That you could have shook my hand

Said hello

Fired words at me

Instead of bombs.

You could have screamed at me if you wanted,

Shouted, screeched and yelled.

You could...

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The Cycle Of Life


It's not death that comes

its life that passes.

And all that’s left

must turn to ashes.


The sun will rise

and the moon will pass,

and the next day comes

when the night slips past.


So death cannot come

and make a claim,

for time moves on

and soothes the pain.






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Poem For A Friend


The clocks stop and time ends

Nothing more for you my friend

Life is in the moment of breath

And when it no longer comes

nothing is left but death


No more talk

No more chit chat

No more conversation

The blonde barmaid is safe from our lusty eyes

and the rock music industry must go on

without our criticism


The bell rings and time ends

Last orders f...

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Death on the Motorway

John was killed on the motorway today

His wife was taking the kids to school

She had waved him goodbye that morning

Death came later, without any warning


They had a tentative arrangement for lunch

So they’d left their options open

And later, so the reporter said on the evening news

No other words were spoken


A boy racer cut him up so they foolishly de...

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A Friend of A Friend

I’m not a mourner, not even a friend

Just a friend of a friend, been asked to attend


I never knew my friend’s late friend

So it seems kind of strange that I should be here at his end


I feel out of place, not being a friend

And the tears of his loved ones mean nothing to me


I should be moved by all this emotion

But I’m starting to think: should I hav...

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My Dying Day

My dying day is noted somewhere

On the calendar of fate

There’s a little tick on the calendar

To make sure I won’t be late


Some unearthly soul awaits me

As the years tick away

There’s a little tick on that calendar

But I don’t even know the date


My Life has not always been easy

But that’s the way of life

I don’t bother checking my calendar


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All his things are here (updated version)


All his things are around here, in the wardrobe and in the drawers

The man himself has gone

But all his things are here


Don’t put your things in that drawer, that’s drawer’s already in use

But it’s full of the things of a dead man

And he’s no longer here.


It’s cold out tonight, so very cold, so why don’t you use this scarf?

It’s the scarf of a dead ...

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Death Comes Without Warning

Death comes without warning; it steals your life away.

It takes away your loved ones, and the lights of your day.


Death comes silently; it stabs you in the back,

It reaches round behind you, then comes in for the attack


Death comes slowly; it reaches for your throat

It overwhelms you; it chokes you, before you’ve had time to put on your coat.


Death come...

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