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September collage poem (Remove filter)

September 2023 Collage Poem: Hallways of Life

Sharp eyes gleam from yeasty bread

Suspenseful stars trick savage horses


Sephardic interlopers run thru the hallways of life;

tears are driving their day

creating my own judgement day again


All the world is weeping for the broken dreams

A distant ghost wandering the wilds

closing down behind us


Thinking grim thoughts on dark grim nights

Folding the piece ...

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Hallways of LifeLittle DalbySeptember Collage PoemStockport Write Out Loud

September 2020 Collage Poem: The Silence Still Talking 

Herring-packed collisions gravitate together

In her own Wonderland she avoids the looking glass,

Red rain washes the stain away

Tonight we re-zoomed our relationship

Renewed our unspoken vows

The gods of Zoom count their coins in the jungle

Pollocks ! she cried, I'm at the wrong disco!


Marching onwards in this town of mine

The anger of the forgotten people

And those...

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September collage poemStockport WoL

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