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December Collage Poem: Waves
Swansea waves words at passing poets
The twenty-fifth day is long and in others souls,
A week later we enter the next chapter with
New raging goals.
Kissing capitalism's ass and not mine
Highway traffic moves in waves,
Or should that be it crawls like a crab
Marrying a woman from East Texas
She cooked Christmas pudding for dinner each night
In peanut and r...
Monday 11th December 2017 11:24 pm
August 2017 Collage Poem – Obscene
Dave left to stab an unwary autistic
The loneliness of sand.
The man with the photo left
Leaving small details which invoke a hidden world.
Freeing slaves from hidden bondage
Pandora had a lot to answer for
Sand in my toes
Sand in my boots sinking in rotten socks
Memories of Mumbai with my daughter,
Waiting for the monsoon
Tuesday 15th August 2017 9:23 am
June Collage Poem: Evil
Baggy trouser party I will vote for you!
Faded flowers, flowing emotions
Jumping over invisible cats
A stucco heron stalks a halting river
Three bags full, why three, why he, evil be
Evil wears many faces
Ginger Dorris offered peanuts
I bruise easily. My shelter is flimsy
And fragmented. It tastes of shallowed wounds
Sometimes it's a blessing
When a tra...
Tuesday 13th June 2017 11:12 am
May 2017 Collage poem
Gunpowder walk around, a spark was sobbing
Underneath secrets hopping alongside humans
Inbetween trees weeping in regret
Wet willy, slippering down the slope. Pointing at
Your directionless forehead. Hop aboard the bumpy ride.
Wear a helmet. Your tongue is like a whip... but why!
Tip of the tonge. Sharp or soft
A host of feminist vegans
Lie in a pool of his o...
Tuesday 9th May 2017 9:29 am
January 2017 Collage Poem - Hungover
Homeless salvation in the snow
Begging barristers of poisonous kingship
My mug of prison tea
Is the hangover drink for me
The morning after a too merry night of play
No regrets until she calls me the following day,
A sparkling jet of water streams
Into the glass
Poetry; art with words
Truthful tunes played by a Pied Piper
Happy drinks, happy times
...Monday 9th January 2017 9:50 pm
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