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Stockport Council; Museums & Cultural Attractions Consultation‏

Looks like we are still in with a shout:


Dear Colleague

You may be aware that Stockport Council recently carried out consultation with  customers and other stakeholders on Museums & Cultural Attractions in Stockport with a view to achieving budget savings of £188,000 over the next two years.  We are grateful to all those who took the time to take part in this exercise.  The origin...

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Victory at Christmas - (December 2012 Collage Poem)


Shimmering words slide across sea-shells;

Franglais babies reach out to the world -

Poetry translates from pole to pole,

Beautiful in any language.


Nigel’s naked naughtiness

And still we ask “Why?”

Down the generations, -

Fatherless shaped spaces.


Today has been a really good day

Crushed into a cattle-truck;


While ghosts await visi...

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Collage PoemStockport WoL

Beaches (October 2012 Collage Poem)


Food for thought and acres of dung;
Daughters are a blessing, especially when they go.

Please may I be excused?

A local beach climate of sun
And artificial bodies looking tasty and hot.

Footsteps in the sand
Lead me to your sunken treasure;
Discontent rumbles like an empty belly.

I watch you twiddle your fingers.

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Youth and Age (September 2012 Collage Poem)

Chapped lips kiss the winds of lucid protest:
Jackets minus buttons awaiting a rebirth

Retreating backwards over a boiled egg,
Wisdom grows with age.

Fruit lies for blackbirds in garden - 
Thread yourself into my clothes
And breathe in my scent

Sarsparella and bare bums and a boiled egg -
What next?

When it all ends I hatch here, it all begins.
The egg came befor...

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The Shadows (August 2012 Collage Poem)

Out of the frame comes hollow art,
Fly as high as life will let you

One hug means all the world to me

Things aren't always what they seem,
Clothing as well as beauty can be skin deep.

Things tatter in dreams
Like soaked pieces of paper

A brave sun struggles to penetrate the clouds

Red stilettos on the pier
A deck chair with no prom

Running with the moon, qu...

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Shakespeare's Aunties (July 2012 Stockport WoL Collage Poem)

Fun by numbers; birds loom, weather threatens.
The naked jogger eyes the eagle's wings.

Walking on egg-shells
Breaks me up

Senses erotic with words
And the ghost of memory writes his name

You do it to make the story work.


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Little Sound (June 2012 Stockport WoL Cheddar-Poem)

A sonnet drowns in love.
Patterns in Nature cling to crystal zones:
This singular look on your face
In this time and place,
Touching on the distance but never nearer the truth

Moving wedding poem gives weight to sentiments -
A wind of change blows through the trees

Holiday antics
Away from prying eyes
Of neighbours, parents and friends;
The young are not so innocent

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Giving (May 2012 Stockport WoL Collage Poem)

Pulse to pulse, drowning in feathers
Swept by tides of love all moonful midnight,
In the sea and sand having
A pint and potatoes with no salt,

Love is sweet whilst it travels
Close to each other and nature
Together we share time
And time in turn shares us

The pain of recognition bites
Like the rail tracks turning, turning…

Streaks of light and shadow, smell of smoke

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Space (April 2012 Stockport WoL Collage Poem)

Stroking hair as he leaves
Bees in trees

I imagined a black sea
And white tips of foam
And lots of colours in the sky

An alarm that didn’t go off
And another that did

Vast and empty, arid and barren
All is seen.
Nothing is there.

Ooooh there you are 

The light of my eyes,
Thank you and how time flies

2012: A Space Oddity
Of odious odes

Fate its...

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February 2012 Stockport WoL Collage Poem

Strong families keep the memory of the nest alive
Music and life lasts a lifetime,
And each cloud holds a smile

I’m cold and thinking about John Denver for a while
Listening to the tumbling words that spin
I’m on the asparagus spectrum

And what with where-withal and where-without we face
And poets, when called to hate,
Are drawn to hope and love and fate


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January 2012 Write Out Loud Collage Poem

Tonight is the night
These boots are made for show

Written by an indignant hand,
More dignified than mine

Thin as wire, quick as fire
Quick as swallows backward in the night

A peacution freeze
In the midnight breeze

And to that wretched end,
We sold our souls

New beginnings, novel readings
Mindless mercies

You’re never too old to be told
A fragment co...

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December 2011 - Stockport WoL Collage Poem (II)


Silver shadow,
Rue the falling sand

Come walk the nights with me

Poetic illness when growing,
Living and loving
Then laughing

The warmth of my love
Will keep you warm.


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December 2011 - Stockport WoL Collage Poem

Quick to temper,
Know you and me

Oh, child – open your eyes!

Stark, the herald angels pose

Clear night,
Stark crescent moon
Stars bright like jewels
In dark,

What do you see?

Think of what you don’t see
To really understand me.


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November 2011 - Collage Poem Created by Stockport WoL (II)

Bonfire fire implodes at the expense
Of a failed assassination attempt

Blowing piles of ashes
Signalling contempt

Green woodpeckers find green man in French tree
Green skies lying across blue hills

Luscious, swaying, sighing trees
Movement trickles, follows downward –

Movements of sound, eddying round and round
The plumed bride waves her wand of dreams

And sha...

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November 2011 - Collage Poem Created by Stockport WOL

Rattle, smack, tramp, clatter, splinter,
Swoosh, splat, bang, crack, glass shatters,

Safety will come if you take precautions
Sleep will come, sleep will come

Sweet music curling into air,
Floating, staying up there

The wanderer came across the winter seas
Dreams of leaving in his wanton eyes

Sun, sea, sand and sex
Whether I liked it or not

Poetry is art paint...

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