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December 2021 Collage Poem: Chariot of Obscurity

The exact translation for the exact word for snow.

The winter night was the start of a new fake world,

with the death of truth and lost poets caught in the deep wild minds of hope.

How can butterflies and mirrors and snow be possible while hearts are breaking?

I thought of howl and the shadow of gunman sinister betrayal.

It was a dusky farewell

A monarch butterfly landed on Boris...

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December Collage Poem

November 2021 Collage Poem: Perplexing Forms

Old honest mirror of rage in hollow darkness

Echoes, echoes of truth vibrating in unison,

Safe soft echoes


Ben Hur burst through the door

Of the high class restaurant in his

Chariot of obscurity


Covered in dust, some of the books died

In the silence during lockdown

The great book escape


Observe her hardened humanity.

Taxman swimming through the forgotte...

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Collage PoemNovember

October 2021 Collage Poem: This Side of Heaven

Magpie flaps to the tune of Nature’s injustice

The poet strives for another success another year

Sunday wakens, bedraggled and woebegone

Coronation Street anthem drawls its falsehoods

Upbeat parental ending yields to great grimness

Wild West Yorkshire runs with bullet blood


Words find new hope in an army of perplexing forms

Goddess pours like erotic iron on the breathless...

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collage poemOctoberThis Side of heaven

September 2021 Collage Poem: Hope Resurfaces

In the coffee Kingdom of Costa the one eyed poet is Laureate.


This side of heaven armed with only a steak pie

Whispers around the world as sunset melts into twilight


14 cows gifted to 5th Avenue

The darkness-loving mermaid rises from the surface, knows

It’s time to rise to the light


Out of beef, smoke rings circle the world

Orange flesh licked by thirsty acolyt...

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Hope Resurfaces

August 2021 Collage Poem Reversed: Drowning in Time

Throwing in with grimmest grim.
Vegan Jim goes to Vegan gyms
Drowning in time three oak trees fall onto the bikeshed
Hope resurfaces like a periscope.

October skyscape number one pixelated from his old Wiki edition.
The devil grins to the Grim Reaper – do you want fries with that?

Parnoid haiku drowns in time rewriting the grim award
Chased away by angry geese
A furnace of hot stars po...

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August 2021 Collage Poem: Drowning in Time

A Globe of jackdaws stone to stone
Drowsy cathedrals emerge silently through slumbering mists
A cacophony of jackdaws shed their cape
Of yesterday's echoes.

Barn owl and his flight of purest simplicity - effortless
A furnace of hot stars popped the Pope's eye as he looked up from his allotment.
Chased away by angry geese
Parnoid haiku drowns in time rewriting the grim award
The devil gri...

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July 2021 Collage Poem Reversed: Lonely Windows

I see the time ablaze in words

You say anthromorphosize, I say personify

The unexploded bombs from time stymied by Neanderthals

Marriage, time, cats and mice, giants and death.


At 35,000 feet Amber felt time tread through treacle

Oblivious breath, eaten cake, crumbs old but edited

The girl in the topaz dress looked through the window

And her loneliness crashed in a sil...

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July 2021 Collage PoemLonely Windows

July 2021 Collage Poem: Lonely Windows

Time, time, time is our troubling element

Fantasy met sci-fi as Red hid under the bed

Carried aloft my tongue turned in the rain

As hope plummeted like an anchor

Praying for an endless winter of love

Step between raindrops falling in a paper cup,

Rewriting the tea leaves

Turning both of their kisses into a freezing moment

Before she turned away and gone

Isolation fro...

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Lonely WindowsStockport Collage Poem

June 2021 Collage Poem: The Other Me


Lonely windows for the imaginary friend

The unicorn lost his way with the geography teacher


One mind with but two disparate thoughts.

Imaginary friends have feelings too.


I only exist when you think about me

What was it the geography teacher did?


A true friend knows life returns

Am I real or a figment of my imagination?


Ming vase found the small way...

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Collage PoemJune Collage PoemStockport Write Out LoudThe Other Me

May 2021 Collage Poem: Truth Not Fiction

Aches like an August sky with a lipstick smile
Tangled at sunset in crimson skies
Despicable creatures run and hide in shadows

Drowned rats find worry in their shadows
Running across drenched summits
Footsteps lined up in haiku beats

The crystal glass of the past life
A wedding present in the charity shop
I see the other me, before she turns the corner.

It wasn't me!

Sacred threa...

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Collage PoemMayStockport WOLTruth not Fiction

April 2021 Collage Poem: From the Shadows

If you don't know you won't know
and if you don't know that, then what do you know apart from that
according to you I am not me

An eightball car without wheels but with music
In the shadows of the city, the philosopher killed his bride
I knew the bride before she got wed he shrieked
and she smashed the DJ over the head with a bottle of 16th century single malt whiskey
Mr Motorist in red a...

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Aprilcollage poemfrom the shadowsStockport Write Out Loud

March 2021 Collage Poem: Velvet Saboteurs

Change rooms, change behaviour, change times.
Change partners, change parents, change poetic style.

The diary under my bed reveals truth but I still ebb away before your eyes
From the shadows she whispered,
Power proliferates, changing buses, changing lives,
Running away from somebody else’s husband

Profiteroles? I love profiteroles said Chaucer but I can't spell it.

Asking myself wha...

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Collage PoemMarchStockport Write Out LoudVelvet Saboteurs

February 2021 College poem: Grazed by Sorrow

Velvet sabotaged nursey rhymes mired in melancholy
Life ends; dawn comes.

In Whaley Bridge the dam burst, screams heard, as a couple ran with hell in their wake and fire in their hair
Full-boned breakfast tastes salacious to the robots
Robin looked East while Mole burrowed up for a swift one in Stalybridge Station Bar.

Robots trying on clothes in topshop
Before hitching a ride to join Ni...

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January 2021 College poem: Moments of Sunlight

Atlas got lost when the wind blew his A-Z into the hurricane.

From caterpillars to butterflies --- hopefully we will all finally
Emerge from Covid's chrysalis-like grip.

Tapping on the door where a poet once lived changing
The meaning from a haiku to a sonnet in seconds
Fire melts her best form on this damp summer day
The three men, lost inside, drinking coffee until the dawn
And the ne...

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2021January Collage poemMoments of Sunlight

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