The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 39 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Returning Things

I dread taking items back to the shops,
And when I have to do this my confidence drops.
It causes me angst and  also much stress.
It then makes me embarrassed and also distressed.

It makes me want to hide and want to retreat,
Though it may be my right and I have the receipt.
I get so nervous that it gets out of hand,
Though why this is the case I do not understand.

However there's some...

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Stuart VannerShops

Back to the Shops??

Now that lockdown is finally easing, 
Into shops once more people are breezing. 
People know that they must still keep apart, 
Though in the towns long queues restart,

After such times of stress and strife, 
We strive to return to a normal life. 
But are we buying what we need? 
Or celebrating that we are freed?

Some may see all this as funny, 
As people return to spend their money. 

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