The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 39 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

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My New Home

In my new home I am now content.
For there's nothing about it to lament.
It is great with others or when I'm alone.
And there is lovely room to call my own.

I adore each room - yes, every one,
Especially when we feel that shining Sun.
And those big soft chairs are so relaxing,
And into them we do enjoy collapsing.

Being in the garden is a delight.
Outside we view a pleasant site.

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Stuart VannerNew home

Buying Shoes

I find it awkward buying shoes,
For I never know which ones to choose.
Are they too loose or are they too tight?
Are they comfortable and are they just right?

First, I must try them in the shop,
But my confidence will soon stop.
For after I try on many a pair,
I look all around filled with despair.

And I like to buy ones which look smart
Before I get ready the money from which I'll pa...

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Stuart VannerShoes

Returning Things

I dread taking items back to the shops,
And when I have to do this my confidence drops.
It causes me angst and  also much stress.
It then makes me embarrassed and also distressed.

It makes me want to hide and want to retreat,
Though it may be my right and I have the receipt.
I get so nervous that it gets out of hand,
Though why this is the case I do not understand.

However there's some...

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Stuart VannerShops

The Life We Should Lead.

Should we live a hedonistic life,
And so do whatever gives us pleasure?
And have we enough cash in our banks
To live a life of leisure?

Should we give into temptation,
And thereby satisfy our cravings?
Should we buy ourselves lots of luxuries
By digging deep into our savings?

So what gives us satisfaction?
What is it that we want or need?
And if it comes not from things and money

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Stuart VannerLife

I Cannot Read Minds

I do not know what others think,
As I can't read people's minds,
It's a quality I don't possess,
And it's not how I'm designed.

So I will not know if you won't say
Whether you are joyful or distressed.
Though from the expression on your face
I could try to make a guess.

So now let me know your problems,
Or I shall not understand,
Perhaps why you are disappointed
About what you first...

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Stuart VannerMinds

Whatever happens...

After all the hardships that I’ve been through

And the distress that I’ve encountered,

And the miseries that I have suffered,

And the pains that have surmounted.


After all the hurdles I’ve jumped over,

And the walls that I have climbed,

After all my disappointments,

And those dreadful troubled times.


After all the dreams that have not come true, 

And all those ...

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Stuart Vanner

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