The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

A Successfully Amazing

For my women you are Successfully Amazing.
Successfully Amazing at its best.
A walking human of love.

As natural as can be don't let the demons in the world take that from you because you are
Successfully Amazing.

Potential of Success and Ambition
Amazingly Beautiful to human recognition.

Hey do you see the way she walks.
Tall and straight with confidence.
She's Successfully Amazing...

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Stop Judging Me!

They stop and looked but didn't think to acknowledge my presence.
The looking didn't bother me it was the way they looked and started talking without even knowing me.
Now I feel as if they were all just judging me.
I kept going and I didnt let their stupidity overwhelm me.
My action will speak louder than my words.
I won't stop or keep speaking on what I'm going to do.
I will show them bette...

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Oh Lord!

Lord I want you
Lord I need you
Lord take over my body
Nothing is more important than you my Lord
One thing I know is you are an awesome God
You are a merciful God
Glory is your thing
Lord I want you in me
Lord I need you in me
My body is weak for your touch oh Lord
Nothing can defeat the love and praise I have for you Oh Lord
You came through when I thought there will be no more me

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Sickle Cell Is No Joke

Dealing with pain is no joke to be taken.
Having to feel struggles every day of your life  with a Chronic illness is another thing.
When you are crying tears because your body is hurting from head to your toe and all you hear is take your pain meds knowing that you just took them 4hrs ago.
Time and time again you hear people say you are faking.
There's no ways you can ache every day.
How woul...

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Wake up Black America

Wake up Black America
can't you see what's going on right before our eyes.
They strip us of all our incomes
They make you feel hopeless inside especially when you have your child crying because there's no food or even no money to buy anything, landlords sending eviction notices, job not paying you so now there's no hope for you. 
Being angry inside because just when! just when! you thought you...

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Self love is the best love

What is Love?
I use to think it was all just a Fairy Tail
where you walk on a beach, hold hands, and kiss all night.
Until I started falling in love with myself and everything was just compliments
You see I had these sparkles in my eyes
butterflies in my stomach I became mesmerized
It's like no one told me that self love was best love
All they said was you have to love everything around you...

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No Questions Asked!

I wanted everything be over but things just got messier as I moved forward.
The world as I knew it has became more torn.
 Our lives will never be the same because at this point we fighting just to live in peace.
 You know everything is not so sweet.
Another thing is I just want my people to be free.
Free of all act of uncertainties.
It's crazy how one thing lead to another Covivd now roits a...

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He looks he stares
He's kind and loving
His heart is pure
Strong and mighty
Can he love forever or
Will he lose his passion for loving
He wanted to reach for the stars, but his mind and soul wouldn't let him flow.
He was changing before his own eyes
Falling apart at once
Couldn't find who he once was or even who he is now
This man is lost
Trying to pick up pieces that has always been br...

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My mind

The things a mind can release
my mind is so brawled
it travels and travels for miles, it also bring tons of smiles
Gained so many rewards because I used my tool that I once thought was toring
Confused on certain thoughts, but I spoke them out anyway and they got rid of all my insecurities which was all just my lonely enemy.
the things a mind can release
my mind once broke me down but I took ...

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My Black is beauty

My black is beauty
Inside and out
Do you see my shiny Brown skin
My hair is so thick and beautiful
They judge me by my color, hair and clothes, but little do they know my black is beauty
They are intimidated by my knowledge and thoughts.
The way I carry myself scares them to death
My black is beauty
I smile at all times from ear to ear
My goals are over and beyond their expectation.
In t...

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