Have a Try
Hi I am Mary and my cat is Bill
who’s green and fat but never ill
he loves to talk and can’t sit still
and often colors to get his fill
drawing pink penguins and orange
dolphins of each both had a million
cousins I said
“who could imagine that…such a funny cat!”
“but it’s easy,” Bill replied without fear
“all you need is hold what’s dear”
so don’t be shy do have a t...
Wednesday 15th December 2021 7:30 pm
Completely New
It’s usually said
sometime with dread
when excited there’s no head
and that’s very true
the brain often flew
wanting something new
can’t stay still very long
I’m up and quickly gone
feeling wonderfully strong
I’m a child of eight
who wont stop even at a gate
for this is going to be GREAT!!
and should you be able to stay
lots of fun co...
Tuesday 14th December 2021 3:42 pm
Clever Tara
Our dog ran away what could I say
as she pulls on my hand
simply wouldn’t stay
was gone in a flash
where the leash from behind
bounced with a crash
I chased wildly behind
without any gain
as the poor thing ran going insane
the clamor the clacking
making such a roar
all the neighbors tore from
their front door
“what’s this my goodness?!”
they all ye...
Monday 13th December 2021 2:13 pm
Blue Cow Delight
How could it be a cow blue as the sky
if it had wings I’m sure it would fly
and what of its milk they said chocolate was
served only on full moon simply because
the taste so delicate went straight to the head
with special powers even turning grass red
but of blue cows and moons
both can’t be found soon
takes a special kind of eye
in the right type of sky
so th...
Sunday 12th December 2021 10:27 pm
Big Package For Little Dink
It can’t be said cus I’ve lost my head forgotten more than we’ll ever know when the big package arrived for
Little Dink
simply wasn’t enough time to even think wrapped in yellow gold with bright purple bow
looked more than 173 years old for I knew it must be as today’s
the day of Little Dink’s birthday
so there we all sat along the floor
full of presents galore
counted ...
Sunday 12th December 2021 10:12 pm
100 Feet Tall
Walking home from school instead
of turning left I turned right
before me stood such a sight
all blue and green it stood 100 feet tall
though not the least bit mean
I’m sure of this his smiled so bright
brought a warmth to my heavy heart
because today in class I had to start
reading how we’re hurting our
mother the good Mother Earth
with fires that burn f...
Saturday 11th December 2021 10:45 pm
Best Friends
A best friend is always there
one who truly cares
help you when you’re feeling down
make you laugh remove that frown
give support cus you can’t play sports
show the way from a tiring day
a best friend is ready helping steady
to that very end
on to the next they will surely send me
even if it offends me
looking out when I can’t decide
whether to stand or to hide
Friday 10th December 2021 9:50 am
A Good Book
No matter how hard I try
there's always nights of
which can never be said
is slept without having
raised from a most
comfortable bed
searching for something
to help me sleep
when mother said
“it’s all in your head!”
so I tried just that
even went to
the library and read and read
cus a good book will do that
help me relax
so there every day
I’d find ...
Tuesday 7th December 2021 10:00 pm
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Graham Sherwood on UKRAINE - - ? GAZA - - -? -- and all places in-between
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