Girl in Gray
after all these years spent
a statue waiting for a lover
eroding under the rains
and made dark by cloud cover
time would have succeeded at destroying me
I was built only to wither away
but fate changed in an instant
when I was found by the girl in gray
she came and cleared off the ivy leaves
she looked at me like I was her own
like I was somehow beautiful
despite m...
Tuesday 10th December 2024 9:25 am
You promised I would hear from you
But your word is sour
I’m afraid to check my phone
After all this waiting
I’m just a mess
And with each passing hour
I am unable to decide
If it’s becoming more likely or less
That you’ve replied
Friday 9th August 2024 10:07 pm
I’m not upset about the past
I always knew it wouldn’t last
But never did I think that you’d
Forget of me so fast
Thursday 1st August 2024 3:42 pm
A Little Thought
Here’s a little thought--
We drop our guns
We gaze into each other’s cataracts
And see the world in color after all these wasted suns
Monday 22nd July 2024 12:15 pm
Phantom Guest
My body is the foe
Stretched thin by its own violent thrashing
Exhausted and refusing any rest
As if it were possessed
My vision blurred by breathlessness and tears
Was clear enough to glimpse the phantom guest
Holding my numb hands
And whispering melodies into my ringing ears
Thursday 11th July 2024 4:05 pm
Isn't it bizarre?
How we care up close
But not from afar
How we know what we want
But not what we are
Sunday 7th July 2024 9:47 pm
So easy to romanticize the past
But not so easy today
Not when the sun is gone
For good, this time
And no parting remarks will suffice
Her words like medicine
"I love you"
Perhaps would prove a fatal dose
Or with each syllable heal me thrice
If she could hold me close
"I'm leaving you and I can't tell you why
For now, I am afraid this is goodbye"
So I ...
Sunday 7th July 2024 6:16 am
The Haze
I imagine living in the haze
Between waking and dreaming--
The soft noise on the telephone
Just before she speaks
The blank paper beneath the last words of a book
The snow visible by streetlamps
The world sleeping under the cosmic shroud
Where starlight leaks
Thursday 31st August 2023 5:44 am
The Roaring Rain Outside
roaring rain
the distant duckpond
angry clouds
sit low
Wednesday 30th August 2023 7:06 am
The Movies
Your friends go to the movies and don't invite you
And you've never kissed a girl
Never gone to a party
Or drank beer
And you begin to wonder
Why you lie awake
Awash in hopes and dreams
When you could simply disappear
Saturday 29th April 2023 6:42 am
Walking Backwards
We don't walk backwards
Except through time
The future is a hill we climb
Tuesday 27th December 2022 6:05 am
Drinking In October
It occurred to me
While drinking one night in October--
Sometimes I am happy
And sometimes I am sober
Friday 15th October 2021 2:02 am
Ill Desire
I am made of ill desire
As the sun is made of fire
And the flames are getting higher
One day I will burn
Tuesday 13th July 2021 3:52 am
Worlds In a Book
The worlds in a book
Fit in your hand but they are
Bigger than they look
Like vast oceans on a shelf
You'll get lost in them
Or maybe you'll find yourself
Thursday 15th April 2021 12:41 am
Once I Had a Frog
Once I had a frog
Whom I accidentally dropped
And to this very day
I don't know where the hell he hopped
Sunday 11th April 2021 5:35 pm
The Nomad
I met a man once
Who lived out in nowhere
He had two horses and a dog
And a rifle and a tent
But not much else
I asked him,
'Where is your home?'
And he answered,
'Home is wherever the sun goes down'
Sunday 11th April 2021 4:01 am
In the Same Way
In the same way
That falling is not flying
Life is not living--
It is dying
Sunday 11th April 2021 3:56 am
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