On one of the occasional Wild Poets walks run by Mole Valley Poets, we came across a Folly – Broadwood’s Folly, a round tower on the slopes of Box Hill, half hidden by trees, but commanding a view across the valley worth admiring.
A Folly tends to get people thinking, speculating about purpose, past usage, and the builders, in this case Thomas Broadwood, of the piano family, who ...
Friday 28th February 2025 2:20 pm
Substack - regular blogs
I've been writing regukarly on substak for a few months now and finding it a good way to access a wider audience. Most of ther blogs involve poetry, often haiku or haibun. The latest is
Friday 2nd August 2024 12:56 pm
Poems on substack
A new venture for me, in an effot to reach a wider readership I've added a substack account. I'll try and publish on here in parallel - juggling a range of media now but with a litle less time devoted to theatre production ,aybe I'll do better than I have in the past! Three posts so far, each with a poem, which won't always be the case. For more see
Thursday 29th February 2024 3:13 pm
Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay
I know that, strictly speaking, the Magi, are still on camel back following a star but I also know everyone is bored with the story by epiphany so here is my final Christmas related poetry blog. Courage, doubt, fear and wonder, in the story of the Magi. What had they been part of? Like us, they wondered whether ‘this was a future they wanted to know’…
...Tuesday 29th December 2020 12:35 pm
A Christmas blog
Brushing soot off his tunic (new, wipe clean, breathable material) he surveys the rooftops.
He belches, the last lot’s food offerings (whisky, milk and breakfast cereal) playing havoc with his digestive system.
Whistling for the team (trained to perfection by the reindeer whisperer) he prepares for the off.
Straightening, the man of dreams consults his watch
Wednesday 23rd December 2020 1:00 pm
Mary Sang
With a week to go befiore Christmas, I thought I'd ignore the noise and controversy and focus instead on music and hope
Mary Sang
Mary sang, a fine contralto, deep and pure.
Joseph played bass, metronomic, steady,
the beat nailed to the floor.
He thought the boy should play guitar
and made him one from fine cedar;
strings of camel gut, fret board inlaid
with finest golden sa...
Friday 18th December 2020 9:47 am
Advent 2020
Image courtesy of Marilylle Soveran and Flickr; Creative Commons.
Hard to believe that it's December and we're coming to the end of a year that has presented many challenges. In the Christian tradition, candles are lit for Advent, representing hope, love, joy, peace, and the light of the world. This year we're waiting for vaccines, an end to lockdowns and tiers and I've tried to ...
Friday 4th December 2020 3:38 pm
Constancy and Betrayal
I was enjoying sitting in the garden, pondering the beauty and the timelessness of nature, compared to the fickleness and unreliability we see in our leaders and found myself writing a villanelle. First draft below – may yet be edited but I wanted to share it now.
Reminders of a life, a dream now torn
Scabia, flags and tulips, forget me nots
Behind the privet hedge a rolling lawn
Tuesday 22nd September 2020 3:37 pm
The things that must be done
Encouraged by comments on my latest blog - and reminded that I always intend to post my blogs on WOL and usually get distracted before doing so - I'm repeating a blog from a few weeks ago which I didn't post here. With thanks to those who commented on the last one!
I've been thinking about what happens next. There's been a lot of talk in the press, and shared posts on social media, about t...
Saturday 4th July 2020 12:39 pm
On line poetry - and history in the making
I've tended to have an old fashioned view of libraries - a very positive one, but limited to book borrowing, quiet spaces for reading and a children's corner. Of course, there is much or to a modern library than that and I have become involved with a couple of aspects of Surrey Libraries of which I was previously unaware.
The first of these is a poetry blog. This is a regular feature which incl...
Friday 3rd July 2020 3:33 pm
Some poems seem to stay topical
Some poems seem to stay topical, even when you'd prefer they didn't. This is one of them.
Omar is a fighter,
Arifa is a nurse
And Abdullah?
Abdullah is twelve
Omar is dangerous.
Arifa is a healer
And Abdullah?
Abdullah is twelve
Omar kills hostages
Arifa tends the wounded
And Abdullah?
Abdullah is twelve
Omar’s full of hat...
Thursday 2nd February 2017 10:39 am
Sea Battle
Salt spray the sensation you’d think to miss,
the heaving deck your only anchor
as the sun rises on set sails
and the canon roars.
A shout into oblivion, the black
trajectory of the missile falling
short, creating a fountain of brine
while the mate mouths
oaths and the captain shouts.
Blood on the decks as all hands
wield mops and pails ...
Monday 28th January 2013 6:33 pm
Olympics in Dorking
Olympics in Dorking
When the cyclists come through Dorking
They'll do so at a speed
that's probably illegal
At least those in the lead
They'll shoot round Pump Corner
As a speeding, flashing bunch
While we watch for a moment
And then go back to our lunch
We'll raise a cheer, they'll raise some dust
Don't get some in your eye
No. Watch the wa...
Monday 28th January 2013 6:32 pm
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