The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

reality (Remove filter)

Lost in the Lyrics

I remember getting lost in the lyrics when I was a young girl. I would stop and start my record or cassette a hundred times while I wrote down every word so I could sing along to the song. 

Lyrics was my escape when I had no place to go.

I learned lyrics, meter, and rhyme, from the best poetry teachers of my time... 

Stevie Wonder, Stevie Nicks, Tina Turner, James Taylor,  Bob Seger, Barb...

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Rose Colored Reality

Too much reality 
can burn a hole
through your soul.

I prefer to temper it
with rose colored glasses,
as you know.

With my glasses on
I can see past the ego
to the wounds at
war within.

I can see that the
past, present, and
future are all 
an illusion...

created for one purpose

to tell the story
of how we want to 
show up in this world. 

I can see beyond 

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despairdestinydivisionegofatefuturelifelovepastpresentpurposerealityresistancerose colored glassesrosessoulstorystorytelling

New Year Addiction

Those few seconds before the new year

when the countdown begins,

my soul soars with so much hope and joy.

When the ball drops at Times Square,

there is a momentary

return to innocence.

As the confetti flies and music fills the air,

I imagine we are a world at peace...

no worries, no violence, no division,

just a few beautiful seconds of clarity and simplicity

that dis...

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countdownhappy new yearhopeinnocencejoypeacerealitytimes squarevisionaddiction

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