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i truly am so so


sorry i couldn't be the one you held at night 

sorry i wasn't pretty enough for you

sorry i wasn't secure enough for you 

sorry i wasn't of high enough status for you

sorry i like to defend myself from harm

sorry i had monsters in the back of my mind i can't tame


sorry i wasn't worth any of your time

sorry i wasn't worth any of your effort


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A Sequence of Events

1 year ago we were as close as strangers, 

unknowing of the sequence of events that would take place


6 months ago we were spending every last second in each other's presence 

not caring at all what the world thought of us

agreed on everything, held the same ideals and world views

naïve to the slightest possibility that something could break "us"


3 months ago was the sta...

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I am a feminist. Why you may ask?

Because I'm a firm believer in "the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men," the actual definition of a feminist
Not that women are superior to men

Because BOTH should be able to love who they want to love and live happily ever after, without being scared they'll be subject to violence and in headlines, ...

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