La pureté de l'éternel éphémère
Il y a des moments dans la vie
Qu'on ne risque pas d'oublier
Des moments incroyables
Qu'on aimerait recréer
Comme le moment précis
Quand je t'ai vu pour la première fois
Une simple rencontre
Que m'a rempli de joie
Je marchais dans la rue
Quand on s'est croisés
Et dans ce moment précis
Le temps s'est arrêté
Le bruit autour de nous
S'est soudain...
Wednesday 10th July 2024 9:37 pm
Filter of perception
The way I see the world
Maybe be different from someone else
The reality i perceive
Depends on myself
My beliefs and dreams
May chance my perception
My story and my experiences
May cause a deception
The reality may be real
The reality may be objective
But what I'm able to see
May very well be subjective
It doesn't matter if i saw
A mountain or...
Sunday 9th June 2024 7:16 pm
Soul trickery
Two different souls
Two independent individuals
Two souls brought together
That were supposed to be equals
Two souls that found
Understanding on the other
Or that's what I though
Because I was only just fodder
I was happy to talk
I was happy to be me
I was happy for the future
That i wanted to see
I invested myself
In a possible relation
Saturday 8th June 2024 11:21 pm
La fleur de l'éveil
Au milieu d'un jardin
Parmi autant de couleur
Mon attention est captivée
Par une seule fleur
Une fleur délicate
Parmi autant d'autre
Une fleur pure et belle
Sans aucune faute
Ça c'est ce que j'ai vu
Dans un jardin infini
Ça c'est ce que j'ai cherché
Pour compléter ma vie
Pour compléter mon être
Pour rendre ma vie plus belle
Pour me faire croire au futur
Dans ce monde mortel
Friday 28th July 2023 10:54 pm
Le discours sans parole
Il y plusieurs manières
D'un message transmettre
De donner des informations
Et de se faire connaître
Sans jamais faire un son
Sans jamais parler
Mais j'arriverai à te comprendre
Si je sais t'écouter
Si j'arrive à regarder
Au fond de ton regard
Je comprendrais tes sentiments
Sans me décevoir
Si je te vois sourire
Je regarde dans ton cœur
Alors dit moi tout
Sans jamais avoir peu...
Thursday 27th July 2023 11:27 pm
La complexité simpliste du sourire
Une première impression
Peut définir l'avenir
Et il suffit d'un sourire
Pour une relation établir
Un sourire naturel
Rempli de sincérité
Réchauffe le cœur
Et me mets à rêver
Un sourire pur
Pleins de sentiment
Que captivé mon attention
Et mon âme intensivement
Parce que le sourire est simple
Et est simple à regarder
Mais il ne veut pas dire
Que c'est facile à déchiffrer
Un s...
Thursday 27th July 2023 9:41 am
La vérité derrière le regard
On a toujours dit
Que les yeux sont le miroir de l’âme
Ils sont la porte de la vérité
Que la sincérité proclame
Le lieu cache
Derrière un regard
Ouvert au monde
Mais difficile de percevoir
Le seul lieu
Où il n’y a rien à cacher
Où la beauté est pure
Pour ce qu’arrive à la regarder
Où un seul mot
C’est égal à l’infinie
Ou un seul moment
C’est le temps d’une vie
Où l’éternité
Thursday 27th July 2023 9:40 am
Two souls
Two independent souls
Separated by land
Sky's apart from each other
Each in their homeland
Two souls searching
For what they had seen
In the world of their desires
That they saw in their dreams
Two souls walking
Deep in the night
Lost in the darkness
Searching for their light
Two lonely souls
Wishing to the starts
Asking for a way
To heal their scars
Two souls wanting
To f...
Wednesday 19th July 2023 2:46 pm
New horizon
For a long time
I was living without living
Hiding within myself
In the world I was dreaming
But I can't dream forever
That's something I forgot
Something I dismissed
While I was deep in my thoughts
And then I woke up
For first time in a while
I got free from the dreams
Where I was in exile
And I cannot describe
The feeling of awakening
The feeling of life
Is breathtaking
Thursday 13th July 2023 11:19 pm
Focal point
In life there’s a lot to see
And there’s a lot to desire
There’s people to meet
And things to acquire
There’re so many things
That we can choose
That we want to ourselves
And that we don't want to lose
But if stop to think
We can then realize
That we should narrow our dreams
To go for that one prize
We need to gather our strength
And we need a lot of determination
We need to pu...
Thursday 13th July 2023 8:41 am
Spirit storm
Deep inside me
Buried in my soul
There's a giant storm
Raging out of control
Everything is entangled
In the winds without direction
Everything lost their place
Because of the destruction
Feelings became broken
In the shadow of fears
And I lose in seconds
What I won in years
Desires became fragments
Being slashed by my doubts
Their light disappears
In this eternal blackout
Wednesday 12th July 2023 11:38 pm
The lyrics of my feelings
At bottom of my heart
Deep inside me
My feelings are whispering
That they want to be free
That they want to express
The meaning of their existence
That they want to be shared
While singing with persistence
While searching for the heart
That they want to complete
They sing without stop
In a tone that is sweet
And in a white sheet
I write the lyrics of my feelings
I write the des...
Wednesday 12th July 2023 11:36 pm
The poet’s fight
I have always heard
That love is a war
That it’s a battle of feelings
That can go very far
And in this serious battle
I am one of the players
I am the one fighting
To achieve my prayers
I need to be strong
And use everything I can
I need to be myself
I need to have a plan
I need to strike first
I need to give the first blow
I need a good impression
I need anything to show
Wednesday 12th July 2023 11:35 pm
What's the point
What's the point of dreaming
If I'm not sleeping
What's the point of my legs
If I'm not walking
What's the point of my imagination
If I'm not thinking
And what's the point of my eyes
If I'm not seeing
What's the point of those words
That my heart is writing
What's the point of those feelings
That my soul is screaming
What's the point of everything
When only me is here
And what'...
Wednesday 12th July 2023 11:33 pm
Into the depths of my being
To discover myself
I need to dive into the depths of my being
To truly understand
What I'm feeling
I need to dive
In the ocean of my perception
Deeper and deeper inside
Till the source of my conception
And at the bottom of my soul
I can see the fragments of my story
The shells of my feelings
In their past glory
I can see the peebles
Of my pure desires
That were strong convictio...
Wednesday 12th July 2023 11:29 pm
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