The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Mental health: Myth or reality


In my philosophy class recently, my teacher raised a question, for us to think over critically: is mental health a natural phenomenon or simply a way for psychiatrists and/or psychologists to make more money. This got me thinking what if it’s all true or what if it is just a seed of doubt placed in our minds against ourselves, to make us flawed and instead of perfect we would always stay flaw...

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You tell me I am beautiful
But I'd rather be smart than beautiful
Because in your world
Beauty is a curse and smartness a gift
Beauty makes your life hell
My mother tells me to be careful
Just because you tell me I am beautiful
But I'd rather be free than be pretty
To have the freedom to walk on the street
Without leering eyes and catcalls and whistles
My mother tells me to be careful

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His Ego

His ego drives him to hate me
His ego drives him to never forgive me
The only question in my mind
Is why does his ego drive him when it comes to me
His ego is his one true love it seems
Holding him captive in her seductive embrace
His ego seems bigger than the elephant in the room
His ego is now stifling me
His ego doesn't allow me to speak
And I can only observe
Like a doll
Eyes always...

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The Ice Queen

They said she had a fire in her eyes

But ice in her veins

They said her heart was colder than ice

And loving her would be a waste

I didn’t believe them for she seemed nice

They told me to keep my distance

For she had hurt so and so brutally, for instance

But I guess I wanted to see it for myself

Bask in the warmth of the fire that burned in her eyes;

As I spent more time...

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The sky weeps
As do i
The same question keeps running in my mind
Who i am or what am i
Why am i here what's my purpose in life
As the sky continues to weep
So do i
Slitting my wrist
To punish my crimes
The crime of existence
Being the greatest
Hurts the most
The talents that lie latent
My brain doesn't register or believe
Anything remotely positive is immediately negated
How far can...

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Broken Dawn

In internal agony i writhe
And the sky bleeds
As if god painted it red
My demons invite
But how much can i resist
Should i let go
And see what conspires
My mind cries out
But the birds chirp and twitter away
Unknowing to my suffering and silent cries
To them it's a new day full of opportunities
To me another morning of survival and being alive
Like a walking corpse
That can't remember...

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Sin and Me

I have known sin

I have danced with it when I sang with the devil

I have looked hell in the eye

And returned, born anew

I have known sin

I have listened to it sing lullabies when I couldn't sleep

I have heard demons cry and spirits wail

In my head chaos reigns

But as it comes out

It transforms into docile tears

I have known sin

I have hidden it in my pretty smiles ...

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Love for Hate

As I look in his eyes all I see is hate and cold

And I'm amazed 

At people's tendency to lean towards hate

Beauty and bounty all around

And yet all they see is the illness and decay

As I hear his words all I feel is bitter venom that he spews

And I'm amazed at people's tendency to lean towards hate

Poetry and music all around

And yet all they hear are the war cries and bemo...

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The Story of My Strife: Living With Borderline Personality Disorder

When I was first diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, I didn’t believe it at all. I mean I don’t think of things as in black and white (eye roll). But the thing is that I had misunderstood splitting. When I realized my mistake, I started to read more and more about BPD so I wouldn’t repeat the same mistake twice. As I continued to read, I felt a lot better because I could finally unders...

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Of Hatred and the Worldly Ways

Hatred is so strong an emotion that it amazes me at times. It is so overpowering that nothing else matters when faced with it. People hate with all their hearts more than they love. As a kid, we are taught to promote love and pursue everything about it, but in the process of growing up, all we experience is hate and anger and hurt. It is said that a child’s mind is like clay and is molded by its s...

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Pain and the World's View of It

I’m in pain. Terrible, terrible pain. It is however one that I can’t express. Everything feels bland and bleak somehow. I have nightmares almost every day. I feel like writing but when I sit down to do it all inspiration leaves me and I can’t write whatever may be the topic I’m writing on including my feelings. Shouldn’t I be able to at least write about them?

The aforementioned words describe ...

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