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It smells of sorrow. It smells of despair.

Beggars strewn across the road

while the rich cry out for more

Mercy is nowhere to be found

Voices of innocence call to arms

Everyday is warfare

There is no forgiveness in this town

Hatred lurks beneath the surface

threatening to smother all

while hypocritical smiles

paint a portrait of rainbows and blue skies

They speak o...

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The Futility of Dreams

The walls tighten around her

breaking her ribs and smothering the life out of her

She feels suffocated

in the land of don't and shouldn't

where the road is planned

where a woman cannot stand up to a man

where all that lies before her

is a husband and a child

She fails to find herself

She believes in dreams and fairy tales

She covets freedom and choice

There is so m...

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You accuse me of inability to express my emotions

but when I put my pen to paper it all flows

You are the poetry within my heart

I sit beside you every day

and there are seasons and flowers inside of me

There are daisies for your naivety

There are hyacinths for your broken home and your sad eyes

There are narcissuses for your arrogance

and Jasmines for the beauty of your so...

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There is a Well

There is a well somewhere beside the sea

In it, I hide all of my dreams


The moon calls out an angry red-

belligerent and accusing

It asks me not to

Then I wander the streets

telling stories of what could have been

Mesmerizing and piercing


There is a well somewhere beside the sea

It holds my past and all that I used to be


A man drinks the water of t...

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