The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.



January renews our lives

     washes out the soiled fabric

        of our selfish acts

     Bleaches the stains

        of regret and omission

     Refreshes languid minds

        with coolant breeze

    Cleanses, calms the vissitudes

        of the heart

     with frozen, filigree art

     Covers the yearning in our souls

      with freshly washed mantl...

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Winter is a contented homebody, who.

  Snuggles under thick quilts

  Awakes to sun - sparkled opalescent drifts

  Crunches snow underfoot as she

         gathers the morning paper.


  Reads Jane Eyre by a blazing fire

  Opens greetings of blessings and cheer

  Responds with notes of warmth and joy.


  Sips hot chocolate with marshmallow topping

  Trims the tree w...

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Poetry enables us

to view life

through the aperture

of metaphor


With poetry

we sip from

golden goblets

of wine distilled

from Life’s experiences


Life is




through poetry.


      Wilma Gundy

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December is a troubadour singing in celebration

of vanillla-ice skies

snow-cone hills

frost-sculptured window pane


of crackling fire

steaming hot chocolate lamp-lit reading chair


of children laughing,

dragging homeward pine tree

decking it with kindergarten art

candy canes, and flashing lights

hanging hope in a stocking

saying pray...

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What compels you

      to hunt

      to probe

      to look


In.every bag, cranny

   and nook?


Is it to answer the riddle

      of the Sphinx? 


              Wilma Gundy

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Laura is a strong name
      dating back to Apollo,
            a Greek god of light,
                 of healing.

Laura means
       Keen, and Wise.

Laura is a loving name
       For me it conjures:
               A charming hostess
               A talented florist
               A perfectionist garden...

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November is a photographer
           dressed in brown,
Taking images of
            Trees bare and grass sere,
            Lost twilight and
                       day’s bleak sun,
           Squirrels hoarding acorns,
           Geese veering south.

           Cornucopias of apples, tangerines,
                         ears of corn, of squash,
           Crock of savory chicken soup,

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Autumn, cloaked in scarlet, russet and bronze,

Is a spendthrift who

Flings gold across the landscape

Steps proudly midst Harvest’s abundance.


Caresses velvety peaches

Plucks bushels of pears, plums and pomegranates

Bites crisp, caramel apples

Tastes tangy hot cider.


Greets goblins at her door

Hands out treats to pint-sized Jack-O-Lanterns

While wit...

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nature Autumn


October is an actress
who plays three roles

Young maiden wearing robes
of russet, scarlet and umber,
Adorning herself with golden leaf,
purple amethysts and red garnets,
Rushing to meet her lover
on snow-capped mountain
to dance to the music of the wind.

Homemaker harvesting Fall’s abundance
of plump pumpkin, sleek eggplant, and golden pear,
Serving hot tea and cinnamony apple crisp

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October themed



Autumn, cloaked in scarlet, russet and bronze,

Is a spendthrift who

Flings gold across the landscape

Steps proudly midst Harvest’s abundance.


Caresses velvety peaches

Plucks bushels of pears, plums and pomegranates

Bites crisp, caramel apples

Tastes tangy hot cider.


Greets goblins at her door

Hands out treats to pint-sized Jack-O-Lanterns

While wit...

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nature Autumnautumn

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