carousel ride
And what would I know of love?
The merry-go-round creaks, but it isn't broken.
I hold on, white-knuckled, in the wind.
The world spins, a blur of lights and shadows.
Each revolution brings a promise of love.
I grip the bars, painted horses rise and fall,
neighing and braying at what love could be.
Faces flash past, smiles, laughter, tears,
the carousel of emot...
Saturday 15th February 2025 5:32 am
autumn chofu
Under the golden boughs of ancient trees, autumn sighs,
As leaves descend in a swirling, endless ballet,
The earth receives them with a gentle embrace,
withering compost pile.
Tuesday 17th December 2024 12:39 pm
where I couldn’t go home
That hamlet where mum's lineage dwells,
Ancestral ruins, where silence swells.
Foundation stumps, a faint design,
A phenomenon strange, yet mine.
History breathes in broken stone,
Family lore in whispers grown.
Sights and sounds, scents of old,
Stories in these ruins unfold.
But in this decay, a shadow's cast,
A reminder of life that cannot last.
Bulldozed, ground, swept away,
Monday 2nd December 2024 4:28 am
windswept smiles
long, top down drives
even shirtless tans
sweet strawberry kisses and
glorious watermelon stains
laughter lifting through the trees
glimpses of sun blest promises
sugar coated whispers
catching in the breeze
fruit bowls, waterholes
and refreshing icy poles
interlacing fingers share
starry nights and lazy days
_ __ ___ ✏
Tuesday 16th June 2015 11:43 am
on my back staring upwards
from the ground
the ceiling looks so much wider
from the ground
its cracks seem much finer
the paint peels -
minute flags, off-white surrender;
the paint peals -
egg shells of heavy footed plunder...
revelation fall free
on this soul that has been bound
revelation fall free,
release this pretender from the ground
Thursday 16th April 2015 8:34 am
digital appreciation 101
Fourteen billion ears and not a pair to listen Fourteen billion eyes Ignore the running captions Seven billion tongues Wag 24/7 on worldwide web Still, bosoms burn and burst Ne'er a lack of words to display Keyboard fingers clenching: Cacophonous asphyxiation.
_____________________wsd_________ ✴The Wimpole Street Devils✴ words, words, words, you'd get sick of words from them...
Sunday 22nd March 2015 11:21 pm
digital effrontery
Back in the day it was horrible to make a public spectacle of oneself. But these days we've outdone ourselves - and though we march to our own drums more than ever before - we do so "in your face,' snapchatting, webcamming, wickrdly off: and that can be a never ending disgrace!
Thursday 19th March 2015 7:22 pm
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