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Silent Tick Tock

The clock has stopped 
I let it and it dropped 
The time doesn't change 
Its mind is now made 

As I watch the clock 
It's silent tick tock 
Brings me peace of mind 
That we're one of a kind
This clock and I 
Were born to die 
And along the way 
We stopped a day 

It was only a day 
But why?  You say?
Because the clock has stopped 
Because I let it and it dropped

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Long time friends

Catching up over coffee or lunch
Conversation is straight to the punch 
Line, you speak of all the missed time
The year that has flown 
And the one that's unknown 
The past, present, future
And what next to order 
These are those long time friends 
The ones from around your ends

You see them once or twice a year
Yet you can say everything you fear 
You were young and fun together 

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We never believe ourselves to be vain 
But there always seems to come a day
When our insecurities become a rain 
That pours down upon our brains 

Over confidence and arrogance 
Seem to be the parents of ol' vanity.
So we believe ourselves to have clarity
Over the weakness behind this insanity. 

Yet there always seems to come a day
When our insecurities become a rain 
That pours down ...

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"Oh woe is me!
No one knows how I feel.
How can it be!
The pain is so damn real!"

Wait. Stop. Calm yourself.
Billions of people now
Billions of people before 
Stop to consider how 
They felt it all and more 

You probably have it easy 
A cushy life and people to love
For some it isn't so breezey...

Their lives are destroyed 
Just rubble in the void
Loss and desperation filled

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Black and White

Like two stones set in a ring,
One black, one white,
Our love blazes in two ways
Merged in a haze. 

For so long,
The burning black coal
Gave comfort to our souls 
The heat, the fire 
Made us perspire
Hearts racing
Minds escaping 

Then we had to let go. 
It was so hard, as you know. 

We struggle, we stutter
We try and we cry 
As we escape the black coal
It's fire dies 
And no...

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New baby

Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. 
That's all she does
Her eyes closed
Her body still 
Sleep. sleep. sleep. 

Creep. Creep. Creep. 
That's all we do
On our tiptoes
So we don't wake her. 
Creep. Creep. Creep. 

Smile. Smile. Smile! 
She just smiled!
While she slept!
What is she dreaming of? 
What did she see? 

So small and so magical 
So unique and brilliant 
Our Creator's creation. 


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Pondering Paradise

We dream of paradise
It's there in our eyes
When they are closed
And nobody even knows
Which way the wind blows. 

We dream of redemption 
Mercy for our temptation 
We want to right our wrongs 
So we can hear the songs
That the tropical birds sing
We know He is listening 
We don't know what Future brings
We only what's happening 
To us now 
As we frown  
Eyes cast down 
Wondering ...

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She waited with her thoughts 
Her shallow breath baited
Unable to withdraw from the 
World they had created. 

Anything was possible 
All they had was belief
Nothing ever changed
They still waited for relief.

Was it a waste of time? 
His more precious than hers
What was down the line?
The thought gave her shivers.

They might not make it 
It could all be for nothing 
All that tim...

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Warm at night

All I want is someone to keep me warm at night 
Hold me close when life gives me a freight 
Teach me all there is to know about wrong and right 
Be standing in my corner whenever there's a fight 
Knowing when their hugs need to be extra tight 
Knowing that my mind never works in black and white 
Working so hard just so we can dance in the moonlight 
Making me smile so hard that I forget a...

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My screen

Locked in a screen 
Lost in a screen 
In a chat 
In a device

This is where the conversation starts. 
This is where the conversation ends. 

It's suffocating 
The distance between us
Not physical 
But obstacle. 

This only makes sense to us. 
They won't understand   
But you do.

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He's the guy

He makes me feel safe. 
His innocence you can't mistake. 
His warmth is in his kindness
Eventhough he has less
Than most of us do
He gives more than me or you 

His constancy is so sweet
More devoted than anyone you'll meet
He's not bad looking either 
Yet he's still quite eager
To please, to prove his love 
To ensure he's above 
All the other potentials
Despite his low credentials. 


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Coming of age

The middle is where she stands 
The place to pick a path
Where all the responsibility lands
She just has to do the math

Decide where she's going 
What she will become
Theres only knowing 
Where she's come from 

The rest is a mystery 
Written only in her story
It will all become history 
Whether failure or glory 

Right now she is still
Calm in the moment 
Work hard she will

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The heat of the sun burns 
Through fabric, skin and vision
The weather suddenly turns 
Now we're back in prison 
Rain is our cell mate
Oh isn't this just great 

The fire of passion ignites
The very fibres of our being 
Familiarity snuffs out the lights 
It's the same old stuff we're seeing 
Boredom sets in 
Let depression begin 

Tiny smiles light up 
All the seconds of the day 

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Did I hear you correctly?

Sitting in the sun 
Not on it 
Or under it 
But in it. 

Whatever happened to logic?  

Shoving it in 
Not placing 
Or packing 
But shoving. 

Oh this is getting tragic. 

Sticking it on the table 
Not with glue 
Or sellotape
But still sticking. 

Is this some kind of magic? 

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His fist

He had a closed fist. 
He had a closed fist. 
He had a closed fist!

Oh how it hurt 
To see his closed fist
To see his hurt 
In his closed fist. 

She cried and she cried 
For that's all she could do 
It broke her young heart 
To see his love true.

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A non-hybrid hybrid

Born in the land of the Anglos
Descended from the East Asians
Cultured in both 
Clothed in both 
Fed by both
A non-hybrid hybrid
An entity with no real ground

I was floating 
You were floating
You floated into me
My home was found 
My real ground

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We sat in silence

On the floor

In a circle.

Someone had died. 

I didn't know her personally,

An elderly woman whose sister had just passed. 

It was a shock, even to me.

But someone had died. 

A relative. 

She reminded me of life 

In her parting, I was made to consider my own. 

They spoke well of her. 

They cried for her. 

Would they speak well of me? 

I cr...

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Little brother

Time stops when I'm with you
It always has; I love you for it.
Time just stops, it's a blessing, 
With your little feet and your little face
Time stops when I see you
Your little hands and your little faces
Time stops when you're around 
The jokes we have, the looks we know 
Time stops, it just stops. I need that sometimes.

Thank you.

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Lost in translation

"The youth is spoiled
Their morals are askew
They have been influenced by the West 
People are talking, what shall we do?! "

Now stop. Just consider 
You come from a world ruled by gossip 
Your own people watching, waiting 
Someone will slip up eventually 
And when they do, heads will shake
Tongues will cluck and shame will be felt

Now consider your Youth 
They have come from this p...

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My heart is immersed in a jelly
All sounds blocked, all feeling numb

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Death warmed up
Dead weight 
Slow combustion 
Every cell is sad
Has given up
Just an empty, breathing vessel.

Is this what it is like at the lowest point? 
Or is there further to fall? 

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