The Black voice is electrifying.
Bringing forth worlds never imagined,
From dominions in Africa to mystical spheres unheard of.
Telling tales of majestic beings, kings, queens and the simple Black girl next door.
The Black voice. Telling Black stories.
We need Black literature because it shows
That our stories matter.
That our histories are worth sharing.
Thursday 8th October 2020 1:26 pm
How are you?
A question worth a thousand answers
A thousand possibilities summed into one
Somewhere in between the good and the bad
Between the lines
Of the lies
Fine -
Just fine.
By Faith Olajuyigbe, author of Words of Faith
For poetry and more visit:
Monday 7th September 2020 2:55 pm
As I watch the waters flow
As I watch the waters flow
It calms my soul
As I watch the light ripples
My heart mirrors its beat
Smooth, serene
Somewhat still
As they move to the wind of God
Going only where the Father blows.
Lord, let your living waters flow.
By Faith Olajuyigbe, author of Words of Faith
Friday 28th August 2020 4:44 pm
The Flame Within
She has a beauty that shines from within
A light that never grows dim
Her candle goes not out by night
And the radiance inside her, ever bright
When the wind blows,
Her flame - it holds
She thrives, she sparks
She glows, she grows.
An original poem by Faith Olajuyigbe from Words of Faith
For more visit:
Thursday 27th August 2020 5:04 pm
The Phoenix
I’ve weathered storms that I thought would drown me
I’ve learnt to soar in winds I thought would consume me
They say
Out of the ashes must rise a new Phoenix
The flame…
Being refined by fire
Through it, I’ll rise higher
The flames provide the fuel
As I soar to my strength
Refined by fire
Gold purified
A faith that stands.
Tuesday 25th August 2020 9:47 am
Sweet Talk
Smooth like honey,
Your words
Slip through my soul -
Sweetening the bitter
Soothing the sore.
Your Word
Like honey, nurturing
My bones.
I have a craving in my soul,
A sweet tooth for Your own.
"Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24
By Faith Olajuyigbe, author of Words of Faith
...Thursday 20th August 2020 4:03 pm
It's Not In The Falling
I fell
For the feelings, the flowers, the fantasies.
I fell
For you, for us, for all that we were.
Innocently thinking that was all love could be.
I confused the falling for the force.
Falling was all about me.
Loving is all about you.
Baby, I'm no longer falling
But to you I promise,
I'll always be loving.
Monday 17th August 2020 10:54 am
A New Birth
I was born at twenty-one
Thrust out of the womb
Released into the newness of life
Born, at twenty one
Eyes opened to the world
Crying, struggling, fighting
Trying to make sense of it all
Yes, I was only born at twenty-one
Borne out of education
Borne out of society’s expectations
Borne out of comfort, out of the shield
Though I lived before
I was onl...
Friday 14th August 2020 9:26 am
Deceit tells us: what they have is better than ours
Deceit tells us: what they have is better than ours
So now we wrestle with discontent
Forever seeking,
Desiring something that was never our own
Blessings become blurred
When seen through the lens of another
Our sight diminishes
With each gaze and long lusting look
That will never be
Scrolling through standards not set in stone
Thursday 13th August 2020 11:57 am
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