The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

justified paranoia

Always on guard of the love you claimed was ours

as I looked up at the stars 

I realized I was holding onto too hard

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toxic from the start


A series of self reflection 

unhealthy questions

our rose colored phase with twisted lessons and a mutual obsession our souls connected as I throw a cruel test in 

how much of me can you take or is this fate I’m lost in a paradise I refuse to break

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Letting go of what’s died


You were never mine

Quick witted but with a weak spine

Your actions are predicted 

conditional love that’s bound to die in time

How you act has me sickened and I refuse to loose my mind

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digging your own grave


I hope you’re haunted by the love you lost in the chaos you twisted and turned 

I’ll be the dove hanging onto the wire you burned 

In the quiet you conjure up all the spirits who will never return 

As I hold onto empty words 

How you tortured me in this chapter 

Cheers to your happy never after

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I would always seek refuge in you

But you could never love me the way I wanted you to

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self obsessed


You love calling me crazy too

Lying holding your breath you’re turning blue

As I start calling out your other muse

Said I’m the only one that you choose

Feeding me another empty excuse

You swung giving me the ugliest bruise



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