The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

This Breath

This light inside me

this breath

circling knowing 

pulling me further  


This breath

is it You 

is it me

all eternal grace


The clouds of life

unravelling their flags

messages of love

of truths untold


This breath within us

holding hands

dancing in circles

a blissful trance


Oh divine romance

my Lord you eat me 

from inside out


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Smile with everything you do 

even when doing a poo 

in the forest of love

His oven of celestial bliss 

deconstructing the knowing 

that is 

or could be 

or was 

or should be 


No longer a ploy 

but a bucket of 


or piss 

who cares 

for now dismiss 

the past 

the future 

and soak in the liquid of grace 

a taste of heaven 

a warm embr...

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Battlefield Surrender

I am empty

she drank me up

sipping away 

from a plastic cup

a life turned inwards

feeding scraps

from a book 

when opened


in the light


cheap red ink

washed away 

down the sink

pure heart tainted

dissolved into


holding fragments 

of jigsaw pieces 

or tiny swords 

in an unjust war

a silent peaceful

battlefield surren...

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there will be 

no You 

just a holy mound 

of rubber skin 

woven together 

in a rug 

at the feet 

of God’s 



oh my angel

come home


If we could 

hold you up 

each limb 


our bended backs

for all we do 

is watch 

and pray 

and kiss your bow

that bends 

and sways 


Your leaves 

of su...

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Angel Wings

Angel Wings


My child, you are the wind beneath my wings,

she whispered into me, every night of every day

in any way she could.  Then drank my blood 

into her heart and as she sent me off to school

she pinned her name into my hood.


My mother bird with whiskey breath, 

you built your nest a brilliant cage, you are my song

my sheer delight, my shining every thing. 


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