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Photo Galleries

I have been unable to keep my post as Photo Galleries Editor/ Curator as I have been too busy elsewhere.

I have notice that no one seems to be stepping forward to take on the job.

Its not a difficult job if you are used to uploading and working with photos.

I would like to encourage someone to take this position as it makes all the difference to the site having good quality pics and its always a nice surprise to see yourself or your friends up on the front page and good if youve made the effort with costume like Susie and Isobel have done at Wigan, to have that recorded on the site.

Maybe one of you who enjoys looking at the pics?

Despite unfounded complaint that there werent enough pics, the experience for me was positive. There are only 2 pics up for this month, that certainly isnt enough, so come on, if youve got a camera and you want to see these events well represented get out there and get them put on here.

Please contact Julian / Winston Admin for details

Tue, 21 Jun 2011 01:08 pm
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I asked about it, Rach actually and was advised somebody who i forgot now without looking back at emails had agreed to take it over, so goodness knows what is going on.

a big shame - two pictures in one month isn't good enough and also without saying where / when etc too..
Tue, 21 Jun 2011 01:59 pm
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ok keep in touch with julian as there may have been some problem and theyve ended up with nobody again.

it'd be great if you did it Andy, youre a very well organised and enthusiastic kind of guy. You always see through the projects you discuss, initiate and take part in and give it your best, without being afraid to work outside the box. theres not enough of that kind of professionalism around. hope it works out. :)

good luck, keep us posted x
Tue, 21 Jun 2011 05:35 pm
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thanks for the note, Rach... I'll have a word with Julian sometime over it defo if nothing happens next few weeks.. x
Wed, 22 Jun 2011 08:16 am
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I think you did a great job Rachel, taking photos and posting them - it's a shame you had to give it up. It would be great if Andy did step into the role since there is clearly a problem.

Whoever steps up - I would hope that they screen the photos before they go up - selecting only the ones that are reasonably in focus and where you can see who is who. There seem to be a lot of fuzzy one on here from ages ago. Perhaps it is easier to just upload a file - I've no idea, not being at all technical.

Let's hope it gets resolved anyway.

Great to hear you are still writing poetry Rachel - I'm hoping we get to read and hear it at some point.

Isobel x
Wed, 22 Jun 2011 08:46 am
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thanks isobel. Im just waiting to have my profile re instated to post some more poetry. im still working with that bukowski theory so i havent written as much, but I do have more time now ive finished my exams/uni, so who knows. thanks for the comments you sent when i was signing off :)

I hope Andy is able to take on galleries. Your right theres a lot of photos need deleting off, i didnt get time to do it. quality is something to bear in mind when submitting pics as it makes things difficult to refuse poor quality pics when people are keen to see their photos.

i hope the position is filled soon, it could look great on a cv!
Wed, 22 Jun 2011 12:49 pm
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<Deleted User> (7075)

Yes, I do hope someone comes forward and does this for a while, i really miss the gallery. Win x
Wed, 22 Jun 2011 08:39 pm
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yes winston its one of those jobs that is taken for granted. its only when no one is doing it that the amount of work and its importance is apparent.

thanks for your comments on my profile btw good to be back :)
Wed, 22 Jun 2011 11:04 pm
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Rachel, You are right. Paul did all the behind the scenes work with the gallery for a long time, and more recently you. Both contributions much appreciated. Win x
Wed, 22 Jun 2011 11:25 pm
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I believe that the post is filled (Not my place to say who but it's not me) but I hope we get to see lots of new pictures shortly..
Thu, 23 Jun 2011 09:49 pm
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ah thats good x
Thu, 23 Jun 2011 11:15 pm
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