The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Carol Fenwick

Updated: Sun, 19 Sep 2010 07:05 pm

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I am primarily a performance poet, ran the non-for profit organisation, Teesside Writers' Network from 2007-2009 and created an online journal, Teesside Artists' Journal in this period, helping to promote the arts scene on Teesside to the worldwide art community. I have been published in Writers Block North East, Blacklightengineroom, Kenaz by Bob Beagrie and Andy Willoughby and am in the forthcoming Beautiful Scruffiness Magazine by Katie Metcalfe.I hold an MA in Creative Writing. My current blog is I recently relocated to London where I live with my husband Simon and eleven month old son, Samuel.


Audrey HepburnAudrey Hepburn—Carol Fenwick I saw you when you were cut from glass, upon the TV screens Hung your image against a window pane Dreamt about your life, my sorrow Remembering false dawns bright tomorrows Flashbacks from my past in monochrome Cuttings from a movie scene, Your epiphany was supreme. The elfin face and raunchy neckline, Gave that special feeling of perfection I was movie idol Audrey Hepburn He compared me to you. Those winter days, romance torn away by the bleak perspective of denial. Too much too soon, so fast gone by. Beside the moon and stars we watched the sea, capturing our souls mysteries Shooting stars made from God’s blessing from the runes, our destination. Hollow harbours, shallow seas, ships were made for dignity Audrey, you are not me. Now he is gone, I am young, free. Those walks beside the sea I confine him to history. I was born long after you had gone. Tomorrow, I will learn to pass the throes of sorrow. Yet now, underneath the stars My Fair Lady, only joy will take me far. His idol that was never me Triumphant goddess of matinee From you to me, Audrey The Party Queen Navy blue and parsley green The clash and flash of the party queen Sequins and lip gloss, a vanity case Scattered around all over the place Versace, Armani, a pert ponderous pout Too much to choose from, no fashion clout A light saffron chic in the coolest of vogue Lies at the back of a muddled wardrobe A red satin cast off, a fifties legacy Waits at the front in expectancy Graceful chiffon, bedazzling, debonair So she can dance like Ginger Rogers with her Fred Astaire The party begins like a Greek Tragedy Saved by the quips of a wild debutaire A blitz-glitzing glamour puss free from her reins Learning new tricks in her party games A wink and a smile at a young lager lout Too many thrills, too much larking about The soul of the party, the funk-rocking queen The end of the party, the fizz and the sheen Back at her home now, the straight Mary Jean A staid cotton frock to fit her demean The bright dazzling smile has waned rather thin No more feigned jests from a party queen

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Carol Fenwick

Wed 22nd Sep 2010 14:45

Hi Winston, thank you for your comments. Just getting the hang of the site now!

<Deleted User> (7075)

Wed 22nd Sep 2010 13:36

Hi Carol, Liked your Hepburn sample. Welcome to WOL Hope you enjoy exploring the site. Winston (Admin)

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