If Ducks Ruled the World
If ducks ruled the world
They would live and work in duckminster
Pay homage to the Queen, the Ducks and Duckesses at Duckingham Palace,
They would certainly rule the waves of Britain, marching to and fro in naval outfits,
No need for ships or an Air Force, with flying and swimming duck armies.
They gather on benches at parliamentary questions,
There is golden goose Mrs May with her duck eggstappo
And Jeremy Frogspawn always waiting to launch into cruel asides,
For if ducks ruled the world there would be no need for spies,
Because unknowingly they rule the world already.
Big Sal
Thu 26th Jul 2018 19:55
Ducks are my second favorite dinosaur, and this made me laugh. Good poem. Filthy birds that they are though, I think they're pigs with feathers - always getting in the mud and murky waters. Mine do anyway, but good read.?