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Updated: Sat, 24 Aug 2019 03:36 pm
Hello All. I'm here because I love writing. It allows that quiet voice inside me to be heard across a wider audience. WOL allows my ideas to connect, relate and pollinate. Although I'm a newbie poet I have accepted that no writer ever reaches her/his full potential. To me words makes heroes and villains, poets and prophets... it opens an amazing world of people with different hopes, desires and aspirations. They even have the potential to take us to a higher ground. I believe words have the power to shape worlds. Love&Light Raj
Who are you? Who am I? Separate but one. All connected. One universal tribe Intertwined Connected Sharing pain. Sharing abundance. You are never alone. You are deeply bonded with everyone What the other is giving us only opens up the possibility of going beyond the separate self. I am You. You are Me. Our place is here in the universal oneness of which we are all a part. From which we were all born, and to which we will all return. Come, let’s dance the infinite dance of life.
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by Chakraj
Dance for me my divine love. (28/11/2019)
Tis the season to colour your soul (14/11/2019)
My Communal Dance (31/08/2019)
The Awakening (24/08/2019)
The Awakening (22/08/2019)
Come with me to a higher ground (20/08/2019)
F**k the Forgive and Forget mantra (13/08/2019)
Knowing Me (10/08/2019)
Let the light enter you my friend. (04/08/2018)
Blog link: https://www.writeoutloud.net/blogs/chakraj
Note: Showing events from 15 years ago.
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Tommy glad you see it that way.
Raj your comments on "We've each got different partners now..." is most welcome and points a literary "think" that I appreciate.
‘stay on higher ground'
I hear you Raj. Thanks for the sage advice!
Keep smiling
Hey Raj,
‘A wonderful tribute to our tribe of scribes'
It's a wonderful tribe, Raj. I meant it in all sincerity, when I said ‘I can be me'.
Hi Raj,
Thank you for your commendation.
I particularly like your poem 'F**k the Forgive and Forget Mantra'.
I thank you for commenting on my work Raj.
Mon 12th Aug 2019 14:08
thanks for reading my poem
"kids on a Beach"
I hope it did not hurt too much
like sunburn, it will go away after awhile.
Like one's heart, yes?
Hey Raj
Thanks so much for your note on my Valentine poem ? maybe I'll do that haha ?
RAj thankyou for your comments I don't think It will happen in my lifetime but let's hope Wendy x
Wed 4th Oct 2017 22:28
Hi Raj, thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment on my poems, I'm just coming back to it after a long time of disconnection, so feels both fantastic and a bit "clunky",
I so enjoy your comments on all WOL works. I'm sure you know that, but I'm saying it anyway. Cheers.
Hey, there! Thank you for your comment on my profile. Working on my pieces each time. Thanks again! :)
Raj, will you please check out my poem 'The Question', (not too far back). I so want to put 'wolf' as the final word, as in 'we so need an alpha wolf', not 'star'. Whichever word I choose, it is the ultimate 'impact of intent'. I had 'wolf'; I want 'wolf', but I'm being pinched by some kind of argument of what is 'worldly' and what is 'lordly'. Or fact versus fantasy. I'd like your input. For me, the poem 'hangs in my head', because I feel phoney about the ending.
You're a thinker. Why did I change it? This is a serious question.
Hi Raj we are in Spain at the moment during the day it's like having a full orchestra sat on the wiring during the day I would not miss it for the world thankyou for your comments love Wendy x
<Deleted User> (9882)
Sat 17th Jun 2017 10:41
good morning and goodbye Mr Ferds.One is getting on ones Asda bound bike asap.
cheer's m'dear.
Rose x
Hi Raj thankyou for your comments I love to listen to the birds singing I also try talking back you might think I'm mad but who cares at least they answere you . Regards Wendy .
What do you mean you remember my 'encounter with a sheik' many moons ago. The hair rose up the back of my neck! Did I actually make mention of him before? If so, I've got to watch my mouth!
<Deleted User> (9882)
Thu 25th May 2017 08:21
Ta Raj for the advice re 'my participation..etc.I'll work on it and get back to you.
Cheers dude!
Cheers Raj for your crisp and constructive comments;- ) Tommy
Perhaps 'worlds' have the power to shape 'words' too, when you think about it.
re "Inductive and deductive Logic tutorials." aaaaaaaaagh! (runs out of the room) ?
Ta Raj on 'Sin'. Your comment is most welcome. Tommy
Hello Raj, thanks for the comment on Mushroom Picking. The mushrooms were huge, bigger than in any shop. Thanks again. Keith
Thank you for your comment on 'happy tears'. And definitely it opens the door as you put it for more. ?
Hi Raj thankyou for your comments it's taken a long time but after a lifetime of being quiet seeing sleaze and listening to it i have found my voice at last . Regards Wendy .
you are a very fine man.
Such a positive hopeful poem...thanks
I sensed Zen Hazel. I feel connected. Namaste.
Only yesterday I finished a little book on Mindfulness by Anna Black -- filled with beautiful, bite-sized practices.
I have watched Tara Brach before. I feel drawn towards her and her belief in radical acceptance is rather endearing.
When she mentions the 'awakening heart' my mind delves deep into my earlier classes on kundalini yoga where we worked on the awakening of the sleeping serpent within us (mula badha).
My journey continues Hazel and I'm in the final stages of completing my first book on managing smoking addiction through staying in the "now" and watching the cravings come and go. Wonderful.
I'm keen to know more about your mental health charity, MBSR and MBCT.
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Cynthia Buell Thomas
Thu 16th Jan 2020 12:08
Are you still on line? I have seen nothing for weeks. I have always enjoyed your imput, so I'm being bold enough to ask if all is well with you. You have been much in my thoughts.