The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 47 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Chris Briggs

Updated: Mon, 1 Feb 2016 12:57 pm

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I am married and live in Worcester with my wife and three children, when I am not scaring them with my ridiculous ideas and 'seat of the pants' parenting I am an IT Consultant and Magistrate. As I hit forty it became apparent that, in the words of my wife "I was becoming a grumpy bugger and that I should channel my petty annoyances into something creative like poetry or stand-up comedy" I like to write poetic verse, both comedic and serious whilst waiting for my daughter to finish school, ballet and swimming lessons, I find it keeps me out of trouble and the bouts of grumpiness have subsided. I will write about anything, from Grandma's to growing-up, politics to women getting ready. I like to look for the mundane, it is after all the mundane that glues together the interesting bits of our lives. As well as writing I like to perform my material and am regular at an Open Mic night at The Millers Arms in Pershore. This earned me a brief mention in a review by the BBC H&W Introducing Show where I was described as "offbeat" poet. I have previously supported Nigel Clark (Vocalist from Dodgy) at a gig in Worcester.


Male Bonding Football is a game, played in two halves identified by factions wearing coloured scarves either round the neck in a conformist style or tied round the wrist like a 70’s exile. The weekly gathering of like minded folk and tribal instincts that it evokes generating emotion in the assembled masses that transcends barriers and social classes. For 90 minutes they’re all the same chasing adrenaline throughout the game and the bond that ties them all together does not depend on whether the match was won, lost or drawn. A pledge of allegiance was never sworn to bond them all to their chosen team they just share a vision, they just share a dream.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by Chris Briggs

If I Could Speak The Truth (21/10/2015)

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