The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Dean Fraser - The Quantum Poet

Updated: Wed, 19 Feb 2020 08:01 am

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Dean's poems have featured in magazines from the USA, Canada, Australia, India, Malaysia and his native UK. Dean writes from the heart, he feels his role as the poet is to get out of his own way and let the words flow through him from his higher self or superconscious mind. Earlier in his poetic career Dean travelled extensively performing shows at literature events, festivals and libraries; he spent a while as resident poet on a local TV channel. Dean Fraser hosts syndicated arts and culture radio show Beyond Poetry, reaching 1/4 million listeners each week.


The Jacket Her most treasured possession Fraying Veritably threadbare Once brown Now no longer Original colour faded out Existing only in memory As he does now Grandpops Her adored Grandpops Three years since he passed away His jacket The one he wore come rain or shine Became hers Only hers And the emotions Which came with it She wore it every day His jacket Come rain or shine He somehow feeling closer Protecting her even now As he once had What now? As the jacket His jacket Borrowed from him On permanent loan Now worn by her Gently wears out She cries Tears of despair What now? No amount of cleaning Of repairing Patching up Can save it Things wear out Memories don’t What now? A suggestion arrives from afar Grandpops lives in you In those treasured times His words of love Of humour His jacket Your jacket The symbol Of all he was Find an exact replica Have one made if needs be Like when it was new When Grandpops wore it the first time It’s the remembrance Deep inside Your new jacket Worn In honour of his jacket It will still hold the memories Every single one of them New jacket Same old warmth So she did And it does Comforts her This new jacket Exactly like before Worn with love What of Grandpops old jacket? Framed, it hangs in her den She smiles up at it And dances a happy dance Just as she did with Grandpops So many times Wearing her His jacket

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by Dean Fraser - The Quantum Poet

Talking To Myself (15/04/2020)

The Shaman In The Park (14/04/2020)

Art Of Being (06/04/2020)

The Busy Fool (24/01/2020)

The Short-Term Memory (23/01/2020)

The Old Straight Track (16/10/2019)

Inspiration in a Rose (28/07/2019)


The Water Diviners (06/07/2019)

City Life - Follow Your Bliss (05/07/2019)

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Dean Fraser

Thu 25th Jul 2019 08:05

Thank you kindly!

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