The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Dominic James

Updated: Sat, 6 May 2023 08:46 am

Contact via WOL logo


Attends poetry events along the Thames valley, sometimes further afield. His Collection, Pilgrim Station is available from and second collection, Smudge, via the poet, see blog then Buy a copy for the love of Mic!


Osip At his first beseeching look, Makovsky at the Apollon empathically allowed, Osip, the poet (with his mum) had it from the outset he was not bound down, hell bound for Grub Street and, to finish with a flourish, published him at once. To this pat anecdote perhaps concede a little credit; an editor who strikes pure gold admits he’s not the first to know it. But in his quiet, transparent world Osip Mandel’shtam from the start knew heaven is the lifelong house: the hearth of consciousness. Where older heads must take the clues of practical psychologists, jockey with religion’s own touched and tainted saints and prophets, it would appear that Mandel’shtam saw most clearly first of all; trundled off to Vladivostock in a Gulag car, God rest his gentle soul. This, including phrase 'lifelong house', from the introduction to Selected poems, translated by David McDuff.


BIG TROUBLE Thursday 18 May 2023, 20:00, MEDWAY Open Mic featuring Dominic James and Philip Kane at Rams Micropub 12 Degrees, 352 High Street , Rochester. The plumbing exploded 3 days ago BIG TROUBLE but they're be in back in action by now. Run by Bethany Goodwill and David Dyke.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.


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Greg Freeman

Wed 2nd Sep 2020 13:19

Great profile pic, Dom! Where was it?

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Ian Whiteley

Sat 31st Mar 2018 15:06

many thanks for commenting on the rhinoceros piece Dominic - I appreciate it

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David Cooke

Sun 19th Oct 2014 11:06

HI Dominic glad you liked the poem. An 'adit' is the opposite of an 'exit'. So it's just a hole in the ground which I am seeing as a way in and not a way out.

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Wed 10th Sep 2014 17:24

Thanks Dominic for your wonderful comment on Just the three of us, intimacy is exactly what I was aiming for! It's a challenge to write romantic poetry free from cliché haha. Thanks again!!!! x

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David Cooke

Thu 24th Jul 2014 20:44

HI Dominic Glad you like MIles in Paris and explored the music on YOutube - some great stuff there! David

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Ian Whiteley

Tue 1st Jul 2014 16:47

thanks for your further constructive comments Dominic - the track's recorded now - so can't make any changes anyway - would be interested to see if you think it works once it's in the public domain so to speak

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Ian Whiteley

Thu 26th Jun 2014 14:14

Thanks for the kind and supportive comments on Passchendaelle mate. So Dominic, what's wrong with those particular verses? If I don't know then I can't do much about it :-) they still work fine for me ;-)

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Ian Whiteley

Wed 21st May 2014 14:11

thanks for commenting on 'the vegetable man' Dominic - it's a fairly old work that I've revisited and changed around a bit - happier with it now - although Cynthia has spotted something I hadn't - so going to make another slight change to avoid getting too tied up with eyes :-)


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Shirley Smothers

Wed 14th May 2014 17:24

Hello Dominic

Thank you for your comments on my Brevette Poems(Second Edition)
The original set was a writing challenge. M.C. Newberry suggested a fourth poem. I don't write a lot but it's fellow poets like you that inspire me.


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Ian Whiteley

Sun 11th May 2014 10:48

cheers Dominic - just went back to the thread and had a read of your favourites - interesting and varied - I'm afraid most of mine are either punk/new wave poets or war poets - I don't go for most of that romanticism stuff. I've come to Heaney late - but like him - some of the others are just 1970's/1980's poets that I've stumbled across since school. an interesting topic

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Ian Whiteley

Mon 7th Apr 2014 19:40

thanks for the comment on my Nordic piece Dominic - yours, mine and Laura's make a good trilogy I think :-)

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Greg Freeman

Sat 25th Jan 2014 20:45

Dominic, thanks for commenting on Surbiton Lagoon, which has legendary status on Facebook these days. Other lidos survived - Tooting Bec, Guildford, Hampton - but Surbiton's did not. Shame on the royal borough of Kingston-upon-Thames. Talking of Kingston, I hope to be at Rhythm & Muse this coming Thursday. Maybe see you there?

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Ann Foxglove

Sun 13th Oct 2013 10:33

Hi Dominic - welcome to WOL. I like your profile poem - if you put something on the blogs section you are more likely to get some feedback if that's what you'd like :)

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