The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 27 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Ebonaya Smallwood

Updated: Wed, 7 Dec 2016 02:26 pm

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I'm a poet myself... And I can't wait to share my poems with all of you fellow poets!


Hip-Hop As Poetry When I think about culture, I think about Hip-Hop… When I think hip hop culture, I think about poetry. “Hip-Hop may be the most revolutionary development in poetry over the past three decades, yet its originality is often hidden in plain sight.” Hip-Hop originated from poetry because of the flow, the structure, the sound and the message behind the piece. The relationship between poetry, and Hip-Hop may be alike in many ways, but they’re actually different. Poetry is: understanding a new outlook kind of poetry. Poetry isn’t simple as rhyming and metaphors. Poetry is a lyrical speech that have a powerful message. Hip-Hop is: usually presenting lyrics with music in the background. Hip-Hop can seem less serious. Hip-Hop has more of a crossover appeal, and deals with the same issues. Poetry, and Hip-Hop both rely on one thing: the person who’s delivering the message behind his/her piece. Both Hip-Hop and poetry use literary devices like imagery, points of views and Rhyme Schemes. Both obviously use words, both are spoken in two different voices… But Hip-Hop is a musical type of art and poetry is a verbal type of art. When you look at it they both made an impact not only the world, but to people who want to be apart in the performing life. Seriously, what does Hip-Hop gain by being “poetry?” Access to the middle class? Long done. Scholarly books devoted to the craft? Done. Classes in universities? That ship has sailed. © Ebonaya Smallwood 7/20/16

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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