The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 36 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Flavia Gordon

Updated: Mon, 18 Oct 2021 08:38 pm

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Thank you for stopping by. All images, if shared (drawings or photographs) will be my own. I should probably warn you now...I am a rhyming fiend. Some of my poems will be sexual in nature, bordering on erotica or sexual abuse...usually angry, dark, and blunt. Please forgive me if they turn out to be a bit crass or offensive. I write them as they come...There's no particular technique or rule that I follow. They were never really meant for public consumption, They are simply a part of my ongoing therapy and quest to purge. By sharing I hope to, somehow, ease my intense need for isolation and my avoidance of attachment. My poems may come across as repetitive/monotonous as I do get transfixed on a topic, only moving on when I have exhausted all its resources...

SAMPLE: My Superman (05/2019)

Panic setting in... For reasons unknown everything's unsettling... I wished I could kick my heels and disappear... But, instead, he appears... Through the haze his face is clear... I fight the urge to will him near... Oh God, did he sense my fear? Or my emotions churning, my tears near? How does he do it, what exactly does he hear? Me quietly praying, daring him to care? My vulnerability on full blast as I stand before him bare? Begging him to reassure me, to always be there? I hate promises, never asked anyone to swear... This need I have for him unfamiliar, absolutely rare... Unselfishly with me, his "powers" he shares... I know he is preparing me for a day I dread and can't bear... A day I will no longer be permitted to his lair... I try to be understanding, to agree that it is all fair... But inside I die a little daily, behind the veneer.

Remember the Tin Man

A song I'd like to share with all CSAS and any other survivor that it might speak to... One Love!❣ There are locks on the doors And chains stretched across all the entries to the inside There's a gate and a fence And bars to protect from only god knows what lurks outside Who stole your heart left you with a space That no one and nothing can fill Who stole your heart who took it away Knowing that without it you can't live Who took away the part so essential to the whole Left you a hollow body Skin and bone What robber what thief who stole your heart and the key Who stole your heart The smile from your face The innocence the light from your eyes Who stole your heart or did you give it away And if so then when and why Who took away the part so essential to the whole Left you a hollow body Skin and bone What robber what thief Who stole your heart and the key Now all sentiment is gone Now you have no trust in no one Who stole your heart Did you know but forget the method and moment in time Was it a trickster using mirrors and sleight of hand A strong elixir or a potion that you drank Who hurt your heart Bruised it in a place That no one and nothing can heal You've gone to wizards, princes and magic men You've gone to witches, the good the bad the indifferent But still all sentiment is gone But still you have no trust in no one If you can tear down the walls Throw your armor away remove all roadblocks barricades If you can forget there are bandits and dragons to slay And don't forget that you defend an empty space And remember the tinman Found he had what he thought he lacked Remember the tinman Go find your hear and take it back Who stole your heart Maybe no one can say One day you will find it I pray... (Tracy Chapman)

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Fri 4th Sep 2020 13:20

Thanks so much for your lovely comment Flavia and welcome to WriteOutLoud. "The pot of my emotions are stirred / And you are the culprit..." I love that. ?

I'll have a read through the rest of your stuff shortly! Tom.

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Fri 4th Sep 2020 01:51

Welcome the WOL family Flavia! I’m looking forward to reading more of your poetry. I can already relate. ? Love, passion, desire... our undressed vulnerabilities, makes the most compelling poems. Write on!

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